Chapter 6

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The next day all of the band met in the foyer of the hotel to go to the venue of tonight's gig. As Maddie and I stepped out of the elevator and headed over to the rest of the band I could see Sandy already there standing with Dave and Taylor. As we walked across the foyer Taylor looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back but didn't walk over to him I stayed with Nate and Pat.

When everyone was ready we all went outside and got into the cars that were going to take us to the stadium. The band all got into one car while Maddie, me, Sandy, Yeti and some of the other tech guys got into another. While the rest of us chatted Sandy hardly spoke, she really didn't look like she wanted to be with us at all.

When we arrived at the stadium I followed Maddie through the corridors back stage to a room with comfy seats and a table with various drinks and snacks on it. "Don't we have to sound check?" I asked. Sandy rolled her eyes at me like I was stupid and I blushed a little.

Maddie smiled. "The band make sure everything is as they want it and check their levels first. They'll give us a shout when they're ready for us to do our bit."

We sat down and had a drink while we waited. I liked Maddie, we got on really well and always seemed to find plenty to talk about but I didn't like Sandy at all. She never spoke to me and always made me feel like she thought I was an idiot.

After a little while one of the tech guys stuck his head round the door and told us they were ready. I followed the others along the corridors and up onto the stage. For a moment I stood wide eyed looking out at the stadium. It was huge and it was hard to believe that in a few hours it would be full of people and I would be singing in front of them. "So what do you think?" a voice said beside me. I turned to find Taylor just inches away.

"I can't believe how big this place is."

"Yeah some days I still can't believe we can fill these places either." he smiled that cute smile and I felt myself blush slightly. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Nervous." I told him.

He squeezed my shoulder and I felt butterflies flying around inside. "No need to be nervous. You'll be great."

"Emily" Dave called "If you want to come over here." He pointed to a microphone next to Maddie and I went over.

Maddie grinned at me as I got close to her. "How's Taylor?" she whispered.

"Fine. Why?" I answered trying to pretend I had no idea why she would ask that question. She laughed.

They made each one of us sing a little bit to adjust the sound levels and then the three of us had to sing together. When that was done the whole band took their places and we played through a couple of songs. I couldn't believe how good it sounded. It was amazing being up on that stage helping to produce such great music. It felt good, this was where I'd always wanted to be and now I was there. And for the first time since I left home I felt like this was where I belonged.

I looked over towards Taylor's drum kit and he was looking at me. I knew I was smiling the biggest smile but I couldn't help it. I was so happy to be there with them. It was a dream come true. When he saw my face Taylor winked at me and smiled. I turned away, I felt my cheeks burn and I knew if I kept looking at him I wouldn't be able to concentrate and I couldn't screw it all up.

When we'd done a couple of songs Dave turned to us all and said "OK I think that's it. So go backstage and chill for a few hours."

With that the guys put down their guitars and Taylor got up from his drum kit. Immediately Sandy went over to him. I turned away to follow the others from the stage I really didn't want to stand and watch that. "You could go over and talk to him as well you know. He'd probably be grateful to you for rescuing him." Maddie said quietly to me.

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