Chapter 16

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The next few days were spent on stage and travelling. Taylor and I sneaked away when we could for secret kisses. Maddie and Dave were great at covering for us. Today was different though, today was our day off and we intended to spend it together but first we needed to get out of the hotel.

Maddie and I left the hotel together after breakfast, I'd arranged to meet Taylor in town about 10.30. When we got there he was stood chatting to Dave. I walked over to him, put my hand on his back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned to face me, wrapped me in his arms, said "Hi" and gave me a gentle kiss.

We heard Dave say "I'm not sure what they'd do without us to cover for them." and Maddie giggled. Taylor stuck his middle finger up. "Fine. You're on your fucking own next time then." he laughed.

I elbowed Taylor and he turned around, grabbed Dave, pulled him down and kissed him on top of the head. "You know I fucking love you man." he said and Dave gave him a playful shove.

"So what are your plans for today then?" Dave asked Maddie.

She shrugged "I hadn't really thought about that." she told him "I can't exactly go back to the hotel so I guess I'll just wander round town."

All of a sudden I felt really guilty. "Maddie, I'm so sorry." I said "I hadn't thought about what you would do with your time. Maybe she can come with us?" I asked looking at Taylor.

He frowned a little but added "Yeah course she can."

Maddie laughed "Er no thanks. I don't have any intention of hanging around with you two."

Dave looked over at her "Well seeing as we're both stuck in town covering for these love birds, how about I treat you to lunch?"

"No it's fine. I'll be OK." Maddie told him.

"I know you will but it just seems more fun than both of us fucking eating alone."

Maddie smiled at him "OK that'd be good."

"Great" Dave grinned "So what time do you pair need us to meet you?"

I looked at Taylor who said "Why don't we meet you somewhere about 6 and I'll treat you both to dinner for covering for us."

Dave grinned "Oh yeah. I'll text you the name of the most expensive restaurant I can fucking find because you owe us."

"Yeah, yeah whatever!" Taylor laughed.

"Come on Maddie. We've got a restaurant to find." Dave said and he slung his arm around Maddie's shoulders and led her away laughing.

For a moment Taylor and I stood watching them walk away, I think we were both a little embarrassed that we hadn't thought about what they were going to do while we were together. Eventually Taylor spoke "We'll make it up to them later." I looked up at him and he smiled. His smile was always so cute I couldn't help but smile back and slowly my concerns melted away as he took my hand and went on "Come on, I have plans for you." He winked and then led me out from the centre of town.

We called into a small cafe and bought takeout food. Taylor led me to a beautiful, quiet pond at the edge of town. The scenery was breathtaking but not as much as the man I was sat with. We chatted about everything. I felt so relaxed with him it was like we'd been together forever. I had never felt like this with anyone before and I felt like I always wanted to be by his side.

As we ate we shared affectionate touches and little kisses. Each and every one of them gave me butterflies inside. As I sat there I realised that I was falling in love with this man and although it was a little bit scary I knew I didn't want it any other way.

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