Chapter 17

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A couple of days later Dave had arranged for the whole band to meet for drinks in the evening before we moved onto the next city. Maddie and I got dressed up and headed down to the bar. "You look very nice." she said to me in the elevator "You wouldn't be trying to impress a certain drummer would you?" she grinned.

"I might" I grinned back "Anyway, look at you. You look amazing. Wouldn't be trying to impress the boss would you?"

She blushed "What? No! What makes you think that?" she asked quickly.

"Oh I don't know you just seemed to be getting on really well the other night. Anyway he's single isn't he? And he's a really lovely man. So what's stopping you if you like him?"

"He's our boss Emily and he looks after everyone. That's all he was doing the other day. He just didn't like the idea of me being on my own."

"Maybe, but I think there was more to it than that."

Our conversation was ended by the elevator reaching the ground floor and the doors opening. We walked across the lobby and into the bar where Dave, Shifty, Pat, Rami and Sandy were already sat. Dave stood and offered us both a drink. Then we all sat and joined the others chatting and laughing.

Eventually Nate and Taylor walked in. "Sorry we're late." Taylor called as he strode across to where we were sat "Nate here is just too slow on a bike. I'd have been back hours ago."

Nate gave Taylor a shove. "Fuck off I'm just as quick as you. If you hadn't got lost..."

"I knew exactly where I was going. It was the scenic route." Nate just looked at him and we all burst out laughing. "What?!" he exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

Dave stood and put his arm round Taylor's shoulders. "It's OK buddy we know you have no fucking sense of direction. Now what do you want to drink?" he asked changing the subject before Taylor could answer. He led Taylor to the bar and Nate followed. They returned a few minutes later and sat down, Taylor took the seat beside me and Nate sat next to him.

The evening was fun, we all laughed and joked and it was very relaxed. It was a shame it was all so open so there was no opportunity for sneakily holding hands or anything like that but I did get the odd smile which melted my heart and the occasional touch of the arm if he was telling a story.

It was getting late and I went to the bar to order the next round. Dave had set up a tab but as I was going to the bathroom I said I'd place the order on my way. By now the bar was really busy and I had to wait quite a while before I was served. As I stood waiting my turn a short, dark haired man, who was stood beside me starting talking. He was very drunk and leaned all over me as he spoke. I tried moving slightly away from him but each time he just moved closer and leaned on me again. I tried ignoring him but he just kept pulling at my arm to get my attention.

"So are you single?" he asked after a while. I nodded. "Well we can't have that can we." he grinned "How about you come back to my room with me?" he asked placing his arm around my shoulder.

"Er no thank you." I told him. Trying to move away but struggling to do so in the crush of people at the bar.

"Oh come on." he slurred putting his face really close to mine "Just give me a kiss at least." He leaned towards me and I pulled away.

"No!" I almost shouted at him. By now he was making me feel very uncomfortable, nervous and scared. All I wanted to do was run away but it was too crowded.

Taylor's POV

The evening with the band was fun but it was so difficult keeping my hands off Emily. I did manage the occasional sneaky touch of her arm but that was it. A few times I turned to look at Nate and he was giving me strange looks like he was trying to figure something out so I knew I had to be careful.

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