Chapter 22

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John attempted to raise his right hand, but felt a weight on his whole arm. He raised his left hand and shielded his eyes from the rising morning sun. He yawned, still tired from whatever happened last night. What did happen last night? He questions himself. Slowly but surely the dark memories rolled in of that night and early morning. He looked to see Alex still asleep on his right arm. He looks so peaceful.
John was snapped out of his thoughts by a buzz. It was his phone.
He scanned and searched for his phone, finally finding it on the floor. He stretched his leg out and tried to scoot it closer, only to accidentally kick it out farther. He sighed in frustration and carefully moved from under Alex. John walked over to his phone and picked it up, his heart flipping. A text from Peggy. He quickly unlocked his phone and read the message she sent.
{Peggy; Hi 👋. It's been a while, hasn't it?}
Yeah, it really has been.
{John; It's been too long if you ask me}
{Peggy; sorry abt that😬}
{John; no youre fine pegs}
{Pegs; really jacky?}
{Jacky; mhm peggles}
{Peggles; jack}
{Jack; Peg leg}
{Peg Leg; oh fine, you win you potato 😢😋}
John smiled down at his phone.
"What's got you smilin'?"
John jumped at the voice.
"Morning Alex."
"Morning John." Alex yawned.
"So, gonna answer my question?" Alex asked.
"Oh, just a text from Peg leg."
"Oooo look at you!" A light blush swept over John's cheeks.
"Shut up. And go back to sleep."
"Don't tell me what to do" Alex returned, even though he laid back down and fell asleep. John rolled his eyes and looked back at his messages.
{Peg Leg; hey I was wondering...}
{Jack; yeah?}
{Peg Leg; you wanna hang out today?}
{Jack; yeah, of course!}
John honestly didn't care if he sounded like a dork. He missed Peggy. Peggy missed him.
{Peg Leg; cool! how's 1?}
{Jack; perfect}

John's smile grew wider. He couldn't wait to see her again. He checked the time. 11:34 am. He looked over at Alex, his smile dwindling.  Could he leave him alone after what happened earlier? But he couldn't cancel plans with Peggy.
John walked to his room and grabbed some new clothes and took a shower. He got dressed and found Alex still asleep. It was now 12 on the dot. John decided to hide the scissors and any of the knives in the kitchen (except the butter knife). He moved quickly and quietly and when he was finished looked at the time again. 12:05.
What else could I do?
John then grabbed some of the only good smelling soap they owned and some other relaxing nice-smelly things from Bath and Body Works. He placed them by the tub and got out a clean towel and placed it with the rest. He checked the time again. 12:10. He sighed and went into Alex's room. It was a hot mess. He scanned the room and decided to make Alex's bed and straighten his desk- everything else was questionable whether it was clean or not. Assuming only two minutes had passed John grabbed a pen and some sticky notes. He wrote a note and placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch, then another one on the bathroom sink. He placed one in the kitchen and one last one in Alex's room. Satisfied with his work he checked his phone.
{Peg Leg; wanna meet at my house?}
{Jack; that's fine with me}
It was 12:45. John grabbed his jacket and left the apartment, Alex alone and worry on his mind.


Alex opened his eyes and looked around, feeling not as tired as before. He glanced at the clock in the room; squinting his eyes. It read 1:94...
Wait, that's not a nine, it's a zero.
Alex laughed to himself as he sat up and looked around. He spotted a note on the coffee table.
Sorry to leave you alone buddy. I did a couple of things around to apartment. I should be back before five- if I'm not don't worry, just call me (hangin with the pegster). Rest up, eat up, and NO WORK. DO NOT WORK AT ALL- yes I am forcing you to relax, deal with it.
A small smile formed on Alex's lips as he read the note.
Well if I'm not working, what shall I do?
Alex inhaled, deep in thought then settled for a shower. He needed one to be honest.
A shiver ran up his spine as he entered the bathroom. He looked over at the tub/shower they had and saw a towel already there for him and the good soap. He spotted the note on the sink and read that.
Take a bath. Not only do you need one (sorry bud) but it can be relaxing. I even got out the good soap. Don't forget that it's left for hot and right for cold.
Alex started to run the bath and left to grab some other things. He grabbed his phone and...that's it. That's all he needed. He returned to the bathroom and turned the water off, got undressed and slipped into the lukewarm water.
How long has it been since I've taken a bath?
He went to his playlist and nodded his head along to the music, typing in his notes and soaking in the water.
This is pretty nice Alex had to admit. He was in there for a good fifteen minutes before something happened.

{Unknown; hey Alex}
Alexander raised an eyebrow in confusion.
{Alex; Um, who is this?} He sent. He then looked at the number. It looked familiar but he just couldn't remember where it was from...
Then it came to him and he dropped his phone in the tub. He quickly picked it up and tried his best to respond.
{Alex; I'm sp so sprry- I dropped my phomr in the tub loo}
{Unknown; is you're phone waterproof??}
{Alex; I don't kmoe. Guedd I'll fund out todat}
{Elixs; You have soooo many typos rn}
{Alex; yesh, it's makinf me cringr sp harf}
Keep your cool Alex- KEEP YPUR COOL-
{Elixs; I didn't expect you to respond so quickly}
{Alex; how cpme?}
{Elixs; well, I thought you'd be at work...}
Alex took his towel and tried his best to dry his phone and hands off.
{Alex; john made me take the day off}
{Elixs; oh?}
{Alex; I wasn't doing to good last night}
{Elixs; do you feel better?}
{Alex; yea, a lot better.}
Now that you're talking to me especially.
{Elixs; ttyl Alex}
{Alex; ttyl Liza}
Alex carefully set his phone off to the side and got out of the tub, wrapping up in the towel and draining the dirty water.
Who needs pants Alex thought as he grabbed his phone again and walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen. He found another note.
No coffee. No coffee. NO COFFEE. No sugary drinks that'll give you a sugar rush and no tea with caffeine- nothing with caffeine. And the Cheetos are miNe.
Alex rolled his eyes and sent John a text.
{Alex; really John? I can eat whatever I want to you know- no note of yours will stop me}
Alex walked over to where he usually kept the coffee and teas. It was empty. John hid them.
{Alex; WHAT IS THIS???!} Alex sent a picture of the empty spot.
{Alex; please tell me you didn't throw them away.}
{John; I threw them away.}

~The Schuyler Residence~
"Did you really throw them away?" Peggy asked, her and John both laughing.
"No, of course not. They're in my room."
"Where in your room?"
"Hey hey, you're not a spy for Alex, are ya? I'm not telling my secrets-"
"They're in that box in your closet, aren't they?"
Eliza walked past Peggy's room and heard laughter. I didn't know she had friends over.
Eliza lightly knocked on the door.
"Come in."
She opened the door.
"Hey Pegs- oh hey John" Eliza greeted, surprised to see him there.
"H-Hey Eliza" John stuttered out. It was visibly noticeable that he was nervous. Last time he spoke to Eliza she snapped at him, so you can't blame him right?
"What's so funny in here?" Eliza asked, truly curious. She sat down next to Peggy on her bed.
"Oh nothing" her little sister answered.
"Cmon, I wanna be in on the joke" Eliza insisted.
"Um, not really-"
"Here." John cut Peggy off and handed Eliza the phone.
"John!" Peggy lightly scolded. She hit his arm.
"What, she wanted to know!"
Eliza looked at the recent text messages between John and Alex. And then something odd happened- or at least odd to Peggy and John. Eliza laughed.
"Where'd you really put the coffee and tea?" She asked John.
"No where- I burned them. Yes, that totally happened." Peggy rolled her eyes at his response but laughed anyway.
"First he drops his phone in the tub and now this" Eliza giggled out.
"What?" Peggy and John asked in unison. Eliza pulled up their text messages. Peggy's has dropped and John was the opposite of speechless.
"What- Wait he- you- but...he didn't flood the bathroom? He didn't flood the bathroom!"
"You texted him- you texted him first Eliza!" Peggy finally said.
"He didn't flood the bathroom!"
"Has he flooded the bathroom?" Eliza asked.
"Both of us actually" John confessed.
"Oh boy."

The slow road to forgiveness...Sorry for the long chapter 😬

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