Chapter 18

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Neville, Ginny, Me, and a few others make our way to the end of the bridge where a forcefield is now settling down on the ground. It only takes several minutes for the dark lords followers including him to settle upon a mountain over looking the grounds. They fire spells, but the shield seems to be holding. 

Then several thousand snatchers run full speed from down a hill in our direction. The ones that reach us first get obliterated by the shield. The rest stop in their tracks to glare in our direction. "Yea you lose, I win!" Neville shouts at them.

He should watch his mouth for soon that forcefield will fall and we will be running for our lives. I look up again and see that more followers are appearing behind Voldemort. I can't help, but wonder if I will see Draco tonight. Surely we are for opposite sides, but not by his choice. 

Then I think of something that I didn't think of before. If either of us die tonight it will also be the end for the other. I would no longer find happiness in this world without him. Perhaps if we both die we could possibly be together. If we both live I do doubt that it will be a happy ending for us seeing as nobody wants us together. 

Would I really be willing to go against Harry with this? What choice would I have? If we get out of this I know there isn't another living soul who I could feel for, but Draco. A secret would be to hard to keep and Harry will without a doubt be angry at my choice. 

I can not pretend that for a second he will be happy for me. Instead he will loath me for falling for his childhood enemy. I am not basing my happiness on what Harry wants for he gets what he wants far to often. No, he will have to deal with it. He can grow up and be a man instead of a child holding a grudge.

I look up and see a flash of light. The next thing I know I am running as fast as my limp can take me. Neville it right next to me clearly wanting to go faster but staying back for me. He shoots a spark out of his wand and the bridge starts collapsing into the water a long with all of the snatchers behind us. Neville dives forward to where Ginny and the others are standing he catches the edge of the board but my weak leg couldn't get me there in time. 

"Kelli!" He shouts. He reaches for my hand but I tumble down towards the water. Many snatchers were unfortunate enough to land on crushed pieces of the bridge breaking their backs and legs. Some near the back even splat on the grass. 

I plunge into the dark water. As soon as I am under the dark surface flashbacks race though my mind. Bellatrix drills her knife into my leg and yanks it out. Then Draco is there dragging me backwards. I flail my legs and kick myself to the surface. 

I shiver in the freezing water as I paddle myself to the grass. I pull my shivering body out of the water and lay myself on the grass careful not to touch the dead bodies next to me.  My breaths hitches in the wind and steams. 

I sit up, groaning in pain. My leg seems to have gotten worse. I don't bother looking at it as I limp to standing position. "Well hello pretty." I whip around. Five snatchers who must have survived as well stand behind me. 

I look for any mean of escape. The all seem to be mostly unhurt. But they too are dripping from the water. I recognize one of them form the band who brought Harry to Malfoy manor. Surely he would remember me so I can't lie. The only choice I seem to have is to run. With all of them having good legs I seem to have a small chance of escape. 

I am still a good ten feet away. I pull my freezing wet jacket around me in attempt for warmth. "I am surprised you think it is worth it to chase down a couple of teenagers. Haven't got any more important jobs?" I ask, taking an unnoticeable two inch step backwards. 

"Oh sweetie, bringing in Harry Potter's sister may be just the most important job." He says. Another inch. "Yea sure, but he knows where Harry is and has easy access to him so why should he need me?" I am about 5 inches further back now. 

They look confused. I can see them scratching their heads trying to rack up a smart recall and I realize now is my chance while they are distracted. 

I turn and run as fast as I can towards the castle. In a moment I can hear them yell and start after me, but I am a good twenty feet ahead. I don't worry about the pain in my leg because if they catch me it is sure to be a lot worse then that. 

I through a jinx over my shoulder and the thump tells me I hit my target. I am nearing the courtyard where the fighting has broken out and it is much thicker here. I soon stun another with my over the shoulder spells. I make it to the courtyard ducking away from the spear of a giant. One of my pursuers isn't quite as lucky as I see him being thrown across the yard only to be crushed under the giant's foot.

I continue sprinting I must have only two snatchers left. They sure aren't giving up, i'll give them that at least. the castle isn't much better deatheaters are everywhere and magical blood is being spilled. Every way I turn there are people dying, my classmates, and even my friends among them. 

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