Chapter 23

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Just then Voldemort's voice rings out again. He tells his forces to retreat and that Harry has one hour before he kills every man, woman, and child that stands in his way if Harry doesn't show. He mentions in his speech how unnecessary magical blood is being spilled. It can't help, but make me hate him for I know truly he only cares about the pureblood.

I look to Harry when he is done. He looks guilty as he knows people are dying and he thinks it is because of him. I look to him in sympathy.

As we walk into the castle everyone is in the great hall attending wounds. Ron runs over to where his family is crouched over a body. It only takes me a minute to see it is Fred. I walk over and hug Ginny who silently cries into my shoulder. I know she was very close with him. 

 I watch as Harry walks out as if it is too much. I wonder if he will be going to the dark forest. I wouldn't put it past him. I walk out after him but when I reach the corridor he is gone. I swallow the lump in my throat. He wouldn't go to die before seeing us first right? 

I can't find him at all so I wander around aimlessly. I don't want to have to go back into that room. It just brings me sickness. It also gives me a moment to think about Draco. 

Where is he? I wonder if he has gone to Voldemort or if he has stayed here in the castle. I wonder if he is safe. The questions are eating away at me. I bite my fingernails until they bleed. 

Just then I round a corner. I see Ron and Hermione and Harry. Hermione is crying and Ron looks as though he is trying to hold it in. I know that he is going. He always had to be the bigger person. 

I walk up and hug him. "You just always have to be the hero don't you Harry?" I smile, the tears blur my vision, but I could see he smiled back. He hugs me again. "Stay out of trouble sister." He whispers. I sigh. 

I remember a time when we were younger, we were probably 8. The Dursley's  went in the garden for a moment so I had looked to Harry and grinned. He told me not to but I did it anyway.  There was a great big elaborate cake on the counter. It was for a dinner party that petunia was having. 

I had never been allowed to eat any cake before so I though one bite couldn't hurt. I ended up knocking the cake over to the ground. It got all over the floor. Petunia was furious. She demanded to know the truth. I had opened my mouth, but Harry stepped in front of me and took the blame. He was grounded for a week. 

I had felt awful be he had assured me I would have done the same if the situation had been reversed. I know that I wouldn't have, not that I was mean or anything, but he always took the blame. Time and time again. 

"I guess i'll have too brother." I say to him now. I sigh and pull away. he turns to go. "I'll go with you!" Hermione says. I knew Harry would say no before the words even reached his lips. 

Once we was around the corner. Hermione turned to Ron and they held each other crying. As I too was overwhelmed by emotion I walked back. Then before I knew it I started running. I sprinted as fast as my leg would take me. I couldn't even see where I was going. I smacked into someone. 

I look up to see Draco. Of course he is here. I feel relief, but it is clouded with sadness. I hiss and curl into a ball on the ground. I tighten my arms around myself trying to become as small as I can. I hear Draco say something. He crouches beside me. 

For once this is something his soft words can't sooth. I dig my fingernails into my legs and take to rocking in this small ball I have become. I bury my head into my knees. I am screaming, but I can't hear myself. 

After what feel like 20 minutes I looks up. I can see he is holding my rocking shaking body to his chest. His arms are wrapped around me to stop me from rocking. We are sitting on the floor. His hair is messy and his eyes are wide. 

"I lost him. brother...." I gasp out. I hiccup. Draco smooths back my hair. "You don't have to speak." He whispers. Just then people run past us. "What's going on?" Draco yells. One of them a Ravenclaw looks at us in surprise. I think she is a year younger then me. She looks at Draco. "They are back. Voldemort is here." She runs to catch up with her friends.

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