Chapter 24

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I look up at him with fear. Draco must sense my weakness. He lifts me up and like before I let most of my weight lean on him. We follow into the direction of where the courtyard is. Voldemort is just arriving as are most of the other wizards.

We face each other one side across from the other. Hagrid is holding someone. I don't even have to wonder for a second who it is. I look at my brother's limp body and squeeze my eyes shut. When I do that it is no better. I can't help but want to scream. I don't. Instead I turn my head into Draco's chest. I hold in the anger and the rage as Voldemort speaks his next words.

"Harry potter is dead." I hear Ginny scream and I turn and watch her rush forward, but Arthur pulls her back. "Silence! Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead, from this day forth you put your faith in me." He hisses. I want to rip his throat out. I want to kill him. I will kill him. Draco tightens his arms around me. I try and pull away which only makes his grip tighter.

"Harry Potter is dead!" His followers cackle. I see Bellatrix standing on a rock as she licks her black teeth, laughing the loudest. My rage is even more. I have no where to go for the pair of arms around me is too tight.

"And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us, or die." Nobody moves. Not a single person makes a move. There are a few moments of nothing before from across the courtyard I see Lucious Malfoy.

Oh no. He loosens his grip on me. Letting go of me completely. I know he was always scared of his father. "Draco!" He hisses. Draco does move he just looks across the courtyard. He almost looks like he is going to cry. I can see it in his eyes.

Every single head is looking in his direction now. "Draco...come." Narcissia's voice speaks out against the sea of black. At first I don't see her and then I do. She has White hair just like her son's but part of it is black. She has a motherly look upon her face.

Draco stands there. I know what he must be thinking. He must choose between me and his family. The people who killed my brother, my twin. He must choose between them or me. If he leaves me he will have nobody to love, nobody who really cares about him, unless you count his mother. If he doesn't go then he will most certainly be shamed by them and he will only have me. 

I feel as though he will leave me. I am not worth loosing every thing his name gives him automatically. I am not worth loosing his family. I am not worth loosing anything for. I am just me. I am a nobody. 

I grab onto his elbow. I turn his face to mine. I am hardly aware that every single person I will ever know is watching me. I open my mouth to say the words that would make anyone feel for us but they don't come out. Instead I say. "Go." 

He stares at me in disbelief. "Draco!" his mother looks frantic at us from across the field. He looks at me and then back to his mother. Then he walks. His footsteps can be heard from across the entire courtyard, every one is a puncture to my heart. 

It feels as though the knot in my chest is becoming larger and larger. I soon begin to wonder if what Voldemort had promised us if we didn't join his side would be better then this. Then he stops walking. He is halfway between Voldemort and me. 

He turns in a circle. Every one is staring at him in confusion. When his eyes find mine I can no longer see fear, but fire. "I'd just like to say this for all those like me, for everyone out there who had been forced into a life of misery. Mum, Dad, I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for this!" He pulls up his shirt sleeve revealing the dark mark. Every single person gasps. 

I know I am crying. To see him stand up here and say these things makes me feel joy. To say the things he so often felt hatred for. I try and meet his eyes, but he won't look at me. I look at Voldemort and I wish I hadn't he looks as though he is too put a hole through Draco with his eyes. 

"I was forced like many other before me and like many others after me will be if you win this. So no I will not be a coward. I will not walk to your side and lose my dignity. Before I would have. In any other life I would have, but not this one, not when I have something worth fighting for. Not when I have someone worth fighting for. If I walk, I loose the best thing that's ever been mine. SO I will stay. I will fight until I die if it means she gets to live." He is yelling by the end. He points to me and every head once again turns.

My cheeks burn but I hardly notice. I am beside myself with emotion. I am crying, it isn't happy. I know what Draco said should have made me feel like the best person in the world, but he ruined his life for me. I lost Harry. I can not feel. 

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