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„Understood," I said with hate. He cant do it to me. He maybe is general of escaped hostiles, but he will not tell me what he thinks that is better for me.

At the morning I came to Annie.

„Violet what are you doing here? You shouldnt be here. If general finds you here he would be more than angry."She told me. But I saw that she was happy that I visited her.

„Annie I have an idea. We will change our roles. You will stay here and act like me. I will go on that mission instead of you. I dont want you to go on this mission." I told her.

She didnt look like she likes this idea. She didnt want me to die too. But after all she agreed.

„Come back save and unharmed. Dont die there," she told while changing our clothes.

„Dont worry hide hairs under this hat,"I gave her my hat. Luckily me and Annie know each other for a long time. She knows how would I act. And I know would she.

After morning I come with soldiers that were chosen for this mission too. I didnt tell them that I am Violet. I didnt want to risk it.

We came long way. We came to their city. We were confused, we didnt see any dalek. I had strange feelings for this normally daleks are patroling but now we didnt see anyone of them. We had to enter to their building. In the building we found slave room. We opened it. In the room were their slaves.

,,Who are you?" Asked us man.

,,Hello we are soldiers that came to help you." Man behind me lied to them.

,,Stop playing with our minds daleks we know you are playing with us!" He started to scream. But before he could scream more one of us punched him.

„Listen we dont want any troubles we want you to escape them!" Again said it the man behind me. Peoples suddenly started smiling.

„We can escape from them?" They asked us.

„Yes you can, but you need to hurry now. You have to go now! We will go too after doing one special mission here."I told.

After saying that. They realy started escaping. We came out of building with them.

Out of building we saw one dalek.

„Halt! You will follow me! OBEY!" Said the dalek.

„Maybe another day dalek," I shot him with paralyse weapon.

So our mission was successful. We came to our camp. We came back. But our camp was destroyed. Noone was there.

„Oh no... no, NO!" I ran to my tent and I didnt see my friend Annie. I sat there with sadness. I started crying.

,,Violet, we know it is you. And we are sorry for your lost. But we must continue our plan," said one man who came to me.

„What? I thought the plan was bring paralysed dalek!" I was confused.

„It was part of the plan. The second part is to use his casing and find every informations about daleks. Our leaders already decided who will be in his casing. The chosen one is ... you." He pointed at me.


„Thats why they didnt want you to go on this mission. And I knew its you because only you can say something bad to dalek. Annie is the one who would just do nothing, she is kinda weak."

„Annie is not weak!"I shouted at him.

„Lets continue our mission."

„Why should I do that?" I started to dont care.

„Because only that way all of us can survive. We do not have hope but you can help us. So hurry the casing will be ready in a moment." He left me there.

I started thinking about it.

Skaro: Daleks experimentsWhere stories live. Discover now