About a Boy

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I saw a girl
Charismatic and alone
Detached and free
Her skin when sunkissed they all admired
She wore smiles and confidence as her attire
Her eyes melting in a honey hued haze
She caught my gaze
Pretty or not I saw more to her
In the sun I caught her guise
I saw her deflated like a balloon,  her eyes weary and tired
She knew I saw beyond her charade
I knocked down her walls  and she let  me in
I saw her world dark and fiery , her hopes and dreams tied up
A soul so weary
I wanted her to be better
I needed her to be better
I felt the need to fix her
She said ,
"They suffocate me ,my friends,my family and all those I love .
They want a better me
I try and the pretence is up
My walls guard me and my armour is my attire
And I just want this messy facade to retire ."
I had a girl
I loved her afar
I loved her external crust
Underneath the charade
I found it all very  vile 
I loved her even still
Even when I knew she dark
I had to fix it
Fix her
I became like all those she loved
I wanted to change her
Erase her flaws
I expected smiles when there were fears
Bruises are not desired
I couldn't heal her
I wanted her to erase them
She couldn't erase them without erasing herself
I was killing her
Just like all the others
I lost killed our love
I lost her
A boy lost a girl because he was too afraid to love a flawed being
He was too fond of perfection
He couldn't love a human .

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