July 14th, 2010 •Morning•

6 2 0

•Elle's POV•

I wake up to a pain in my stomach then I realized what was happening, Terrrrrrance was jumping on me (if you don't understand, Louis made a call and spelled Terrance, T-E-R-R-R-R-R-R-A-N-C-E so it's known as 6 R's) "Get off of me love," I say. "No, Liam sent me up here to get you to wake up." Louis said. "Ok I'm awake." Louis jumps off my bed and runs to dad to most likely wake him. I get up to get dressed only to realize Niall and Harry had stolen my clothes I was gonna wear... I'll get them back.

•Harry's POV•

"Ni, hurry I heard her get up!" I yell at Niall who was hiding her clothes in MY closet. Elle walks in very mad, I don't think I shouldve left that note saying 'sorry -H&N' Oops. I look at Elle to see what she'll do, she goes straight to my closet. I look for Niall but he ran and left me to fend for myself, what a great brother.

•Elle's POV•

I hate to swear in front of my brothers or in my mind but dammit those 2 can be very annoying. "Harry give me my clothes or I'll tell dad!!!" I said. "Ok just please don't tell on me, I didn't want to!" Harry said. "Fine" we link pinkies and I hug him then I leave for my bedroom.

This kinda sucked but I'm gonna make Elle, Liam and Zayn get boyfriend/girlfriends. So I'm gonna need people to vote and win to get either GF or BF. Just DM me your name gender and age (must be between 12-14 for the boys and 13-15 for Elle) ILYSM


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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