Juan's Bday

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After I got out the shower I brushed my teeth and put on some light makeup. I went into my closet and decided on

 I went into my closet and decided on

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and put my hair in a high bun

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and put my hair in a high bun. As I was putting on my gold watch there was a knock on the door.

"Ya'll ready" Lonnie asked while making sure her lashes was on

"Yep" Reya and I both responded

"Aiight our Uber is pulling up" Reya said looking down at her phone

We walked in the club that Juan rented out for his birthday celebration and it looked amazing the colors were red and black with dancers in cages and the DJ was playing Migos. Lonnie and I followed Reya up to VIP where there bottles everywhere from tequila, vodka,Hennessy you name it.

"About time ya'll made it shit" Juan said clearly feeling the liquor

"Happy Birthday baby" Reya said

He thanked her with a kiss and a slap on the ass

Lonnie, Yani and me sat sipping on our drinks taking in everything. Juan had rented out my brother's club and had it looking real nice. We had so much liquor in VIP I don't know who was going to drink all this. As I was looking around I spotted Dave on the other side of the club with some girl dancing on him.

"Don't stare too hard" Yani said scaring me

"I'm not i'm just taking in the view of all the people"

"Mhm hmmm" she said knowing I wasn't telling the truth

"Come on you party poopers get up and dance" Reya said clearly drunk. She made us all get up and we started dancing having a good time and 3 shots later and I was getting it. Reya and Juan might as well been having sex the way she was grinding on him. Lonnie and J were downstairs on the dance floor. Devin was by the DJ on the microphone so Yani and I was in our own world.

"I'll be back Dev wants me to bring him some water" Yani told me as she walked of

"Booty me down, booty me down"

"Aaaaay" Reya and I made eye contact because this was our song

"Twerk something girl, Twerk something down"

As I was dancing I felt someone come behind so I just went off grinding my hips and moving in circles like it was nobodies business. When I look I was met with Reya, Lonnie and Yani all grinning and smiling and just sat there confused and looked back.

Dave...awww shit

He smirked "Thanks for the dance"

"We...we...welcome" I said not making eye contact

By the end of the night everyone was feeling pretty good. Yani and Devin took a Uber. Juan sister took Reya and Juan home while Lonnie and J were home together. I made it home took a shower and as I was putting my shorts on I heard a knock. I scrunched my face up and looked at the clock to see it was 2:30 in the morning. I peeked through the peep hole and opened the door.

"What are you doing here Dave"

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