Fix your attitude

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I started panicking low key because I don't know what happened last night. All I remember was Dave telling me why his date left then we all took shots and about 3 shots in is when it starts to get fuzzy. I looked over at Dave and he was sleep on his back with one hand behind his head and the other under the blanket. I had a large shirt on and still had my bra and panties on. We were at his place.

Damn he so fine.

As I began to sit up I was instantly hit with the worse headache.

"Yo little ass decided to wake up" Dave said startling me as I held my head

"Wha..what time is it"

"1:30pm" he said

"Ugh what happened"

"Yo little ass got drunk out your ass that's what happened"

He got out of bed and had on some basketball shorts and went into the bathroom. I heard him use the bathroom and brush his teeth while I laid back down holding my head. Dave cam back in the room with some sweats and a white tee and threw a toothbrush and wash cloth on the bed as he left the room.

I went and did my business and when I came out there was some sweats and shirt waiting on me. After I put the clothes on I grabbed my clothes from last night and purse and headed downstairs to see Dave sitting on the couch with his shoes on. He looked in my directions when he heard me coming.

"Ready" he asked and I just shook my head

We go into his car and I instantly reclined my seat because the way my head set up I couldn't be sitting straight up. A few minutes passed and we came to a stop then heard Dave ordering food and from the sound of it we were at McDonalds.

"Your total is $10.56 drive around"

He paid and got the food and next thing I know I feel a nudge and groaned.

"What is it Daaave" I pouted

"Sit yo hungover ass up and eat"

"Not hungry" I mumbled

"It wasn't a question" he said sternly

I sucked my teeth and snatched the sandwich from him, instantly regretting I did. Dave gripped my thigh so hard I almost dropped my sandwich it hurt so bad.

"Don't snatch shit from me I'm trying to help yo ass"

I shook my head up and down and he released my leg and I let a sigh of release.

Dave dropped my off and I said nothing and slammed his door knowing he didn't like that but I could care less he made me mad. When I got in the house Dave was blowing my phone up but I ignored his calls and laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up because I had to use the bathroom. When I came back to my bed and picked up my phone I saw I had 4 missed calls from Dave from earlier, multiple text from the group chat with the girls and a missed call from my aunt. I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to get some cereal, I sat on the couch and turned the TV on and responded to the group chat forgetting tomorrow we suppose to meet up for brunch. I called my aunt back

"Hey auntie"

"Hey baby how are you"

My Aunt Cynthia, my mother's sister like another mom to me. I told her a lot of stuff because we got close when my mother and I was not seeing eye to eye a while back.

"I'm ok auntie, how are you"

"I'm good your cousins are driving me crazy" I laughed thinking about ting girls cousins and their older brother

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