Acting Funny

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2 months later

Dave and I were still chillin and learning more about one another. We haven't spent much time together lately mainly due to our work schedules and he has been acting a little different lately but I brushed it off. We hadn't had sex in like a month and I'm surprised by that because usually we get in 2-3 times a week.

Tonight I was at the club and it was getting packed but the hour. We had a guest tonight, "Missy" who was a really popular stripper who travels. As I was pouring some shots I noticed a group of people walk in and of course Dave and his cousins Rio and Laron came strolling in and I guess they got a section.

"Shit" I mumbled

"Wassup girl" Cece, the other bartender asked and I nodded towards where Dave was

"He don't know I'm here" she asked and I shook my head

"Damn I thought you said you were going to tell him. You know if he see you he going to fuck you up" she said

"Ugh I know and the fact that we haven't been talking like that but he is under the impression that I was completely done here"

"Since it's so packed maybe he won't spot you and the bathroom is on the other side so I think you'll be good"

I sighed "Yea you right"

The night went on and so far so good I was being the whole night tips were pouring in. I was grabbing a bottle of 1800 and turned back around and almost dropped the bottle. There he was staring to what felt like my soul with no expression, the same one that makes me nervous. I was stuck didn't know what to say, Cece walked over and grabbed the 1800 and gave me a look.

I leaned over the counter and instantly stood up due to the spillage from my bra. "Hey Dave" I said not making eye contact

He nodded "Let me get a double shot of Henny"

I swallowed hard and poured the shot and gave it to him. He threw it back and got up from the bar and headed back to his section leaving me looking confused.

One week later I was over Yani house with the girls going through the wedding gifts so she could do "thank you" cards.

"Sooo how was the honeymoon, I hear Hawaii is beautiful" Reya said

"It was really good it was nice to get away and relax"

"I can't believe our girl is a wifey" Lonnie said excited

"I know right it all seems so unreal but I couldn't be happier" Yani said while looking at her ring

"You next" Kori said looking over at Lonnie and she rolled her eyes

"I don't know we've talked about it, I'll be right back" she said as she got up

"Soooo what is up with you and my cousin ya'll not kicking it as much I've noticed"

Kori sighed "I don't know I thought we were good then all of a sudden our movie nights and dinner dates got less and less, but he has been busy since the shop has gotten more popular"

"Yea he had told me he barely can eat lunch some days but he is enjoying it and also the shop in Cali seems to be doing well as well"

"Glad to hear that but he I'm pretty sure he is mad with me because he saw me at the club last week when he was under the assumption I haven't been working there"

"What I thought you told him you were still there part time" Reya asked while her and Yani looked me wide eyed

"Ya'll know she always leaves details out of stuff" Lonnie said as she came back in the room looking tired

"Oh whatever he shouldn't have assumed anything in the first place because I never told him I stopped working there"

"Yea ok sure but I'm going to head out J's mom just called me and said he may need to go the hospital because he at her house and he has a high fever and been throwing up"

"Aw damn I hope he feels better keep us updated" Yani said getting up to walk her to the door

"So Reya what is going on with you" I asked as we sipped our wine

"Girl nothing much at all Juan still being an ass and I'm getting frustrated"

"What is he doing"

"He acting like I'm nagging him all the time just because I'll ask if he has paid the rent or stop by the store so I could finish cooking dinner little stuff like that" she explained on the verge of tears

"Are you still giving him some" Yani asked with a raised eyebrow and Reya shook her head yes

"Yea because he know I can't resist even if I'm mad"

"Well I know it will be hard but curve him every time he gives you attitude and come up with an excuse as to why you don't want to have sex" Yani said with a smirk

"Let me guess you've done it before" I asked while laughing at her

"Hell yea plenty of times because Devin he'd get smart with me and turn around and think he going to get some ass...chile please" she said as we all laughed and agreed gave a cheers with our wine glasses

"Yea you right because Juan has really been taking out the side of his neck lately so I can't wait to see how he act when I'm too tired to have sex" I smiled at her and felt my phone vibrate

"Yea you right because Juan has really been taking out the side of his neck lately so I can't wait to see how he act when I'm too tired to have sex" I smiled at her and felt my phone vibrate

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"I see a look of irritation, that must be Dave"

All I did was shake my head

"Look I know my cousin and he really likes you but he is distancing himself for whatever reason"

"Oh I know"

I arrived at Dave's and knocked on his door. A few minutes later he answered with no expression on his face.

"Who is the bitch"

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