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(Y\N)'s pov

I'm actually here. I'm standing at the door of black hat's mansion. I am going to work here! I raise my hand, and i almost knock, but the door opens before i get the chance. Demencia is standing there, with the most devious smile.

She yanks me inside.

"Hi!" She laughs crazily, "you're finally here! It's gonna be so fun having another girl in the house."

"Yeah..." I really don't know how else to respond. She just giggles and crawls away. Flug trips down the stairs.

"(Y\N)! You're here!" He nervously looks away, "Uh... Do... do you know who 5.0.5 is?" Suddenly, he turns his head and mumbles, "no of course she doesn't, you idiot."

" Um... Actually, Yes I-I  do. "

He looks at me, surprised.

"Well, then he should be able to help you clean. Black hat wants you to clean the kitchen first." He hands me a list, with the rooms i need to clean scribbled on the paper. Kitchen, then foyer, then... Ugh there's got to be at least 40 rooms here! Well, I'm the one who wanted this job, so I'll do what i need to.

I put my bag down on a table, then i go to the kitchen. Oh, it's filthy! The dishes look like they haven't been washed in days, the trash is filling up, and things are scattered everywhere. I should go find 5.0.5. Hmm... There he is! At the top of the stairs!

I go up about halfway before i call him.

"5.0.5!" I call. He turns to me, smiling. He's even more adorable up close! He puts one clumsy foot after the other, until he reaches me.

"5.0.5, I'm the new maid! Can you help me clean the kitchen?" I say as sweetly as i can. He nods, and starts to walk further down the stairs. I quickly head into the kitchen.

He takes out the trash while i scrub the dishes. Then, we wipe everything down. Soon, the kitchen is spotless.

(Le time skip brought to you by lazy author)

I didn't even realize how long it's been since we started cleaning. The whole bottom floor is clean. It's been a couple hours.

"Let's take a break, 5.0.5." He nods with relief in his eyes. We sit down and drink some water, while talking. He doesn't have a lot to say, but he's a good listener.

Soon, Demencia comes into the foyer.

"Wow! It's clean! you're a good maid!" She pats my head affectionately, "it's getting late! You wanna stay in my room? We can fix up each other's hair!" She looks so excited. I gotta say, I'm excited too.

"Sure!" I exclaim.

I wave goodbye to 5.0.5 as i follow Demencia into her room. It's a pigsty in here! Clothes are thrown everywhere, things are broken and destroyed. I subtly start to clean up.

She bounces on her bed yelling "sleepover! sleepover! sleepover!"

It looks much better now. Not the best, but much better. Demencia grabs my arm and pulls me back. She holds my head and starts to comb my hair. Woah! Personal space, please? Eh... What's the use? She wouldn't stop if I begged her to. Besides, she seems calmer now. She fixes my hair into a (whatever hair style you want) and i braid hers.

"Hey can i see the outfits you have?" she asks

"Yeah, sure!" I show her my clothes in my bag. She frowns.

"No these are all torn!" She pouts

"Yeah but they're all i have."

"I'll give you some of mine!" she starts to rummage through her closet. She throws at least 15 outfits at me.

"Oh you don't have to give me your clothes..." I feel like I'm stealing from her.

She waves her hand dismissively, "none of these fit me anymore."

"Oh! T-thank you!" Demencia is awesome!

We watch (your favorite show) until we fall asleep.

(Next day) I wake up. Demencia is gone! Well, I'd better get up. Don't want to upset black hat. I choose one of the outfits Demencia gives me.

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(Sorry i couldn't find a bigger picture)

I walk into the newly cleaned kitchen. Everyone except black hat is at the table, eating. Demencia:cereal, flug and 5.0.5: eggs and bacon.

I grab some cereal and start to eat.

"Hey, (Y\N)? Can you try and clean the lab if you can?" Flug questions


"Black hat might be in there. Just try to avoid him."

"Ok, I'll be sure to just clean and leave then."

I want to actually meet black hat. Maybe get to know him. But i won't. It's probably for the best.

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