Squad Dinner Plans

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I was just finished with sending Sam a breakup text when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" I said putting my phone away.

I saw Shayne walk in slowly. He was pretty tense after finding out about the whole Sam thing. I mean I don't blame him. It would be awkward to be in the middle of it.

"Hey" He said.

"Hey" I said sitting down on my bed.

"The rest of the squad is going out to dinner and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He asked.

I thought about it. Maybe going out to dinner and forgetting about Sam would make me feel better. It never hurts to go out and have fun with friends.

"Yeah, I'll go" I said.

"Cool, uh everyone is meeting by the door in 30 min, I'll see you there?" He said.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys there" I answered.

"Great, uh bye" He said awkwardly and left.

I would have to talk to Shayne sooner or later. I didn't want him to feel like he had to stand up for me against Sam. I could handle myself and I didn't want him to lose his friend, even if his friend was a douchebag. I found my shoes and put them on. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror before leaving to join the squad. Courtney and the rest of the squad were hanging by the door.

"Hey, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup, the Uber just pulled up outside" Courtney says.

We all leave the cabin as Shayne shuts the door behind us. Apparently someone order a regular Uber instead of a bigger one. Looks like we were going to have to squeeze in the back seat. Courtney sat up front. I was about to scoot into the middle next to Keith and Noah when Shayne stopped me.

"I got it" He said sliding in next to Noah.

That's kinda strange. Usually he's always in one of the outside seats. He was being extra nice to me today. I had a feeling that he was in his feelings about the whole situation still. I just nodded and slid in next to him. As much as he tried to save room for me I was still a little bit squished against him. At one point we went over a bump and I fell over into his lap. He caught me with his arms but it was a little late. My head was in his lap looking up into his blue eyes.

"You alright?" He asked awkwardly as he helped me back up.

"Yeah, Thanks" I said quietly and scooted back into my seat.

While the whole situation was awkward it did give me a chance to look into his eyes. I could tell that I would have to talk to him tonight to assure him that we were cool. I also felt something though when I looked into eyes. When he caught me in his arms and I stared into his eyes I felt something that I never felt with Sam. I felt safe, like he wouldn't let anything happen to me. I brushed it off because I knew Shayne was just being nice. I was just over thinking it. Tommorow I would be over this breakup and everything would be back to normal. Tonight my main goal was to have fun.

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