Intro: Description. Oxen free

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Oxen free...

Aria never imagined that she would see Oliver again. It had been many years since she had last seen Ollie. He was her childhood best friends brother, and he was off limits, not that he ever noticed her though. She had grown up with them. They went to the same schools, played playground games after school and hung out at each other's homes. There was that one thing that started to happen right around middle school, where she started to get shy and awkward whenever Ollie was present, and it got worse the older they got. She'd steal glimpses of him whenever possible, and yet, never admitted it to anyone, let alone Ollie.

Then life happened, and they grew up, and they all went their separate ways.

One day, Aria spots Ollie in the distance, and she immediately becomes entranced at the sight of him. Oliver was older now, but his face was still the same. She would know, as she had stolen many moments staring and studying his face as they were growing up, and she could definitely spot those eyes anywhere.

They are suddenly forced to face each other and she quickly realizes that she becomes that awkward, shy school girl all over again. He is familiar to her, but yet, still different, as he is a soldier who hasn't quite left the battlefield. Standing so close to him, she can't help but try to steal a closer look at him, when she notices that this time- he is staring back at her, and he isn't even trying to hide it. His eyes are immediately locked on to her, at the first sight of her.

'Olly Olly oxen free,' is a catchphrase used during a game of 'hide and seek,' to inform everyone playing that it was safe to come out of hiding or the game was over.

*This story is completed. Thank you for taking the time to read my book. I truly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it. I would love to read any feedback and appreciate any help with grammar and editing offered. If you like the chapter please highlight the star on the top right-hand corner.  

Thanks again--

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