Left behind

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Lance noticed something was off when he wasn't asked to come to dinner anymore, or movie nights. He was only yelled through his door about team meetings or the alarms that went of for battle. Lance knew something was wrong when he was never complemented by his team anymore, it was always someone else even if he basically saved their asses all he'd get in return was a "lance you need to stop making jokes out there, focus on what's going on you nearly cost us the mission" from shiro or a "lonce pay attention!" From Allura. It was like anything he did, good or bad, was a mistake.
"Lance wake up! We're about to start training!" Hunk yelled through lances door. Hunk and coran seemed to be the only two people that were nice to him anymore. They weren't even that nice they just were kind enough not to exclude him like the rest. Lance was already awake when hunk came so he just slipped on his paladin armor and walked to the training room.

-time skip after training Bc I'm lazy-

Lance thought he did pretty well today considering the lack of sleep he got, shiro on the other hand didn't think he did so well.
"Lance what the hell was that?" Shiro asked calmly.
"What do you mean? I took out all the bots aiming for me and Keith what did I do wrong?" Lance was confused, he did everything he was supposed to do what did he miss? "You could've killed Keith with your carelessness!" Shiro exclaimed. Wrong those bayards can't hurt anyone with their armor he was just looking for someone to yell at. "Oh I um" Lance was nervously chewing on the inside of his cheek, he didn't want to be yelled at again. "Yeah lance stop flirting with allura and maybe you'd get something done right." Wow pidge usually only gave me glares and the occasional 'go away lance' so this was new. "I'm sorry I'll try harder next time" I try to reason. "I don't think there should be a next time, I can full time pilot blue Keith's back so he'll fly red why is lonce still a paladin? He doesn't even act like one." Allura has a point I'm basically useless to this team. "We'll discuss it later, everyone's dismissed." Shiro said.

Hi! This took me forever to get done bc it's my first fic ever so sorry if it's bad also sorry for the cliffhanger i wanted to make a part 2 so don't worry (:

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