Part 2 Chapter 1

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Blinding white light flooded Yuri's vision as he slowly opened his eyes. Where was he? Was this heaven? Or... was this hell? But as vision cleared more he realized that this was a hospital. A pretty nurse leaned over him, shaking him slightly.

"Oh good! You're awake," she smiled at him, watching him struggle to move his body. Everything hurt, especially his neck, and he found he couldn't lift his head. She reached out, hoisting him up and adjusting his pillows to make him more comfortable.

"Is there anything you need? You'll have to talk to the doctor, but I can get you some water or food if you want," he shook his head, touching his neck gingerly and feeling bruised, rough flesh, still raw from the rope.

The doctor walked in, gesturing for the nurse to leave and looking over Yuri, making sure he was alright.

"How... how am I still alive?" Yuri croaked, the inside of his mouth feeling like sandpaper. He began to wish he had asked for some water.

"The rope snapped. We were worried you'd broken your neck, but you were lucky to get off with only some internal bleeding and bruising. As for your friend... I'm... I'm sorry for your loss,"

"What about Victor?" As Yuri said his name he realized that part of him still wished that Victor was alive. He felt guilty that he still longed for Victor, after all that he had done, but he couldn't deny his feelings.

"He... We don't know where he is,"

"He's alive?" Yuri felt a strange combination of panic and relief wash over him. If Victor was alive... He didn't know what that man would do to be with him. At the same time, part of him almost wanted it to happen. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a policeman came in.

"I heard he's awake. Can I come in? I need to ask him some questions," 

The doctor looked disgruntled but obliged. "Just don't be too hard on him. He's just woken up,"

The policeman came in, walking up to the bed and smiling at Yuri. Yuri shyed away, scared. 

"Hey, hey, don't worry. We're still trying to find Victor, but you're safe here,"


"Nobody's blaming you. Victor was a horrible man. It's okay now. You're safe,"

The policeman could see that Yuri was starting to get agitated and decided it was time to leave. 

"You should get some rest and try to recover. This has been rough for you,"

Yuri nodded, letting his eyes close and darkness take over.

Yuri is alive? And Victor? Major plot twist! I hope you're excited for part two! Get ready for more Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, kisses, and murder. Victor is even more dangerous, and Yuri is even more attached. What will happen?


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