Chapter 6.

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Nicole's POV

Niall wrapped his arms around me to bring me closer to him, and I couldn't help but move forward until our chests were almost touching. I love this feeling that I have around Niall. I think I love him more than Rhydian. Throughout the entire kiss I felt these sparks inside me. I wonder if Niall felt them too. We pulled apart for breath and then Niall leant his forehead against mine and whispered the words Rhydian never said to me,

"Iloveyousomuch, princess , andnothingwillchangethat."

I replied , " I love you too Niall, and I promise when my relationship with Rhydian is over, and when I'm ready for a new boyfriend, I'll come backforyou. "

We stayed like that for a few seconds when heard a voice from the hall saying -or singing- "Oh Mr. Horaaaaan !!!" , which made us quickly turn our heads to the side simultaneously. The voice belonged to... Harry.

"Ahh ! Harry, what the hell are you doing here ?!" Niall shouted, pulling me into his chest.

"I came to check if you were doing anything drastic. Oh and I brought popcorn." Harry said handing each of us a reallybig bowl of popcorn.

"Thanks for the popcorn, Haz ! And what did you mean by 'drastic'? " I said taking the bowls and immediately dipping my hand inside, taking some kernels and bringing my hand up to my mouth. "You're welcome, lovebirds." He said jokingly, earning a death glare from both of us. "I know how much you two like to eat. And by drastic I meant if you were doing it..."

"God no ! Geez Harry you're gross !!" Niall shouted, chucking a cushion at Harry, hitting his face with perfect accuracy. That had Harry almost falling over.

"Good toss, Nialler !" I said high-fiving him, holding onto his hand as soon as our hands collided.

"See ! You're holding hands ! That proves it !" ,he retorted.

"Proves what?" We said at the same time, still holding hands.

"Don't make me throw another pillow at ya!"

"Hey guys ! Vas Happenin?" Zayn said groggily while walking down the stairs. His eyes flickered to Niall and I's hands and then to Harry.

"Ohh, I see what's going on here."

"Zayn, just be quiet. There's nothing between me and him." I said looking at Zayn.

Niall looked at me with pain in his eyes. He immediately pulled his hand away from mine and turned away harshly.

"Niall, that's not what I meant ! " "Well, what do you mean? Are you trying to say that we're not friends anymore? Or do you like someone else in the band?" He said not looking at me once, his voice getting louder.

"Niall." My voice softened. " I said that because he-" I pointed to Harry. "-Kept teasing us about , you know, what happened. I don't really like the others in that way, just as friends. I love only you, Niall, no one else but you."

Niall sighed heavily before turning to look at me. "But what about Rhydian? Don't you love him?"

"Ahh, now that is the trick!" I said pointing at him. "Use your smell sense! The stupid lad's cheating on me!"

"I'm sorry for you. Wait, aren't you mad?" He asked.

"Niall, I'm a good actress. I'm pissed. " " Really ? What have I seen you in?" "A shirt, jeans, sandals, Converse... I'm not a movie star like my foster mum."

"You're free to beat the chocolate out of him! Can I watch ?", Niall asked excitedly, " But before ya leave, give me a kissy?",he said pointing to his lips. OhNiall...ItoldhimwhenI'mdonewithRhydian. "C'mon! I want to see ya beat the sh*t out of him!", he said, pouting like a 4 year-old child.

" Ugh. Fine! Here you go, mate." , I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, then making my way towards the door. On my way out, I heard a mixture of " Go get 'em!",that was from Zayn, "Kill the dirty cheater!",from Harry and a "Remember what I said, princess!" from the one and only Nialler.

Niall's POV

I can't believe it. She loves me. Me,of all people. And the next thing is that we kissed. It was the best kiss I ever had, not that I've kissed many girls though. Something inside me sparked when our lips touched. I wonder if she felt that too. Anyway, enough about me and her kissing.

I can't believe that he did that to her! Cheated on her! It would be better if I was with her! I always hated Rhydian. I knew he would hurt her from day 1.

Then she called me mate. Mate. M-A-T-E ! Now, you must be thinking "Niall! Chillman! It'sjustaname!" and "It'snotabigdeal! Haveacupofcalmtheflipdown!" Well, that is where you're wrong. You see, every wolfblood has a mate. You know, who you're destined to be with for your entire life. I'm a wolfblood,like Nicole, so being called 'mate' is basically the best thing ever. Next to marking your mate. My mate. It might be her. I always knew that she'd be mine, since I met her in person, but my mind wasn't ready to confirm it.

"Niall! She left!" Harry said pulling me out of my thoughts. That reminds me! "Princess, wait!" I shouted for her to hear. She immediately turned around. "Yeah Niall?" "I love you! Don't forget that, 'Kay? And what's your twitter again ? I predict you'll get 5 new followers in most likely 5 minutes." I said, "Love you too Ni. And my Twitter's @Nsummers3471. " She replied, giving me a warm smile, and a bone-crushing hug. I kissed the top of her head. "Now, go beat him up for me!" I said clenching my fist and putting it in the air. She did the same and we both shouted "Boom!" as we bumped our fists. I saluted her while we turned and walked in opposite directions. (A\N Opposite Directions... see what I did there? Maybe that could be a new band.)

"Wait!" I shouted , stopping her.

"Vat is ze problem, Neil?" She said with a fake French accent. That was cute.

"Can I come with you? I want to kill Rhydian."

"Yes. But try not to hurt yourself, okay?"

"Okay."(I know , TFIOS reference ... Don't kill me, please !)

I turned around to see Harry , Zayn , Liam and Louis watching us and smirking as we walked in her flat . I opened the door and the first thing I noticed was Rhydian and the girl that Nicole brought along to the meet and greet we had a few weeks ago. They were on top of each other and Rhydian had no shirt on .

"What the flip , Rhydian !? You're cheating on me !" She yelled as her eyes turned yellow . I just stood there , staring at the situation in front of me .

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