Chapter 1.

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(Hi people! Well, this is a sequel to Wolf blood Forever Chapter 2. What happens when Nicole goes to a 1D concert,gets a meet and greet and Niall falls for her? Will she stay with Rhydian or go with Niall? Please comment and vote. All comments and votes will go towards the animal shelter. Save a dog! So, in this book, Nicole is 16 and her and Rhydian have bought a flat in London, which is across from One Direction's flat) Dedicated to emma2160,my friend.

Chapter 1: Meet and greet.

Nicole's POV

I went to a One Direction concert, because of two reasons: 1, One Direction is from England (and Ireland) and 2, they were singing my favourite song (Taken). Maddy came with me because Rhydian went to the fair with Tom. So we both got V.I.P tickets and watched them sing. After the concert ended, we went to meet them. I met all of them except Niall, who was in the bathroom. Maddy embarrassed me by saying, " All she does is say One Direction this,Niall that, everything about you guys!" "Stop it,Mads! You're embarrassing me in front of my favourite band!",I whispered to her seriously. "So,which of us is your favourite?",Harry asked. "Niall.",I said shyly. Just then, I got a call from the one and only Rhydian Morris.

"Hey Rhyd, vas happenin'? Are you home already?!?",I said,trying to imitate the boys.

"Yeah,on my way, where are you two? I'm coming to pick you up."

"Oh,we're at a concert in London."

"Great! See ya later,alligator!"

"In a while,crocodile!"

"Oh,look, Niall! Doesn't he look like Rhyd?",Maddy said when I finished the call.

"Yep,and that's why he's my favourite!" I said,making Niall blush.

"So you have a boyfriend I heard,eh,Nicole?",Niall said with Zayn behind him.

"Wait,you know each other?",Maddy said,pointing between me and Niall.

"Yeah, we met online! But we're just friends.",I said.

"Oh. So that's why Rhyd thinks your cheating!",Mads said.

"Shut up! I would never cheat on Rhydian. He's the only one I love! Plus,we have a special connection.",I said,special referring to our Wolfblood selves.

"So,when can I see you again,personally?", I asked Niall.

"Oh, um, here's my address and number."

"And here's mine."

The others sang,"Nicole and Niall sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!! First comes love, then comes marriage, them comes the baby in the baby carriage!"

"SHUT UP!!!",me and Niall shouted, punching Harry and Mads in the arm playfully. Then Rhydian came, met the boys,threatened Niall for being close with me and took me and Mads home.

Niall's POV (You didn't expect this,did ya?)

After a long day of singing and laughing, we drove back to our flat with the other boys. "Lou, I can't get it out of my head, her beautiful face, her laugh, maybe you guys were right,maybe I do like Nicole!" "Dude, ask her out!" Harry heard us talking and said,"Yeah,man up! Do you wanna stay alone for the rest of your life or not?" "You're right. But she has a boyfriend, remember?" "Oh yeah,well,don't worry mate. There are many more fish in the sea. Wow,it's dark already! Good night." We all went to bed soon after.

(Hello my little lovebirds! Hope you like the first chapter! Anyway I was lying when I said that about the animal shelter thing. Tell me what you think below!)

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