chapter 2

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Okay, now that you know about me and my condition, your probably wondering how I became this way. Well, when one person loves another person very much- im kidding, im kidding I was not about to give you that speech.

(I don't want to scar you like I was).

The truth is I don't even know how i've became this way. The only thing I remember about my first time is when I got really angry at my friends because they jumped me. On the way home thoughths were running through my head on how they betrayed me, my eyes changed from brown to a reddish-green. From there I started to freak out.

Worrying that if I went home , my mom would see me like this,I somehow ran 3 miles in 20 seconds. When I breathed, big puffs of air came out, when I started to talk fire escaped-

(I learned how to control the fire-talking thing)

yadayadayada BOOM I was officially a hybrid. In case your still in the dark about my appearance, I had long sharp ears, purpl-ish skin, eyes that were WAY wider

(but still adorable)

A nose that didn't look like a humans nose, I had scales, a tail,

(and my favorite part)

AND MY VERY OWN PAIR OF WINGS. I still had my legs and beautiful soft curly hair (thank god). This whole new appearance freaked the FADOODLE out of me, but after I collected all my thoughts and calmed down I was alright and back to my normal self.

And ever since that momment i've been learning how to control my anger and hide my secret. Most people would be afraid of being like this, but i've gotta admit, i'm actually living the dream. I never gain weight, i'm faster than your average joe, im always warm,I have the strenght to lift up two buildings (I actually tried).

The only down-side is when I get sick. When i'm sick its like I lose control of all of my senses. For example, when I sneeze- I could literally blow you all the way down the hall way, if I give you a hug, I could literally break all the bones in your body, sometimes if i'm really aggrevated while being sick, I could even ... TRANSFORM WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO TURN BACK.

Lucky, having a mom as a nurse,being sick didn't happen a lot, But being in 10th grade didn't help much either. Oh right, I didn't tell you much about my school life. Lets see, I go to Carmel High School in Carmel,California.

(Fun Fact: this is actually a place look it up).

I'm your typical outcast of a high school student. Not widely known, but familar to some. My bbfl's (Best Bros For Life) are Raphael sully, Hank Charles, Noah collins, Alex sully, Scott benson, Tyler smith.

Raphael's the always serious but fun type, likes dank memes, and will kill for his twin brother, Alex. Hank is the sweet one, very smart, and likes anime ALOT
(doesn't even need a girl because anime is his one true love).

Noah is the "I dont giva f**k about what your saying right now type, but only if your being an as*hole. He loves animals (especially dogs), he may come off as rude to people that he doesn't know, but thats just him on the outside. On the inside he's a marshmellow.

Alex is a Artist, is IN LOVE with bts(who isn't) will do anything for his brother,raphael, also loves anime, and is the one that has everygirl head-over-heals for him but doesn't notice.

Scott is the chill "no bad vibes allowed" kind of person, unless you mess with his friends, then he will punch your eye out, is in love with the idea of love, and will always be there for you. Last, but certainly not least, Tyler is the straight -up "woke" type, smart as heck, pretty cool too, always honest even when you don't want him to be, and is down for whatever.

Oh will you look at the time. Sorry I have to go to school and see these wonderful people. See you later. 😊


Hello readers ,author here

The cover of the book is my drawing of luca if he was a girl bc i can't boys for some reason ( i actually cant draw at all, as you can see)

Ok ,bia

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