The end

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* 4 days later*

"(Y/n) why do you hurt yourself.? Your to pretty" Russia asked you while you sat on the sofa looking up to him. Tears spilled from your (e/c) orbs

"Everyone hated me. I found love in the blood that I bled. Please don't leave me or hate me for it. I couldn't lose you. You where the one that made my life compleat; something worth getting up for." You cry. Ivan kneels down to you and pulls you into his warm embrace.

"I would never leave you. Your to important. I love you to death and would die for you. I promise I never will. And there is something I have to ask you too.... I know we still have the whole of the year left but I dot want anyone else to have you. (Y/n) your beautiful eyes and you voice like heaven. I get enchanted by it. Please will you do the honer of being my beautiful wife?" He asked you moving some of your (h/l) (h/c) out of your face and putting it behind your ear. Tears of joy fell from your face as he pulled out a black ring with a small sapphire gem in the middle of it.

"Yes! I will" you tell throwing your scared arms around his broad neck.

Maybe for once your life would be happy. And you would feel compleat. Or would it......

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