Become one with russia

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It was a bright sunny morning and you where stuck inside the classroom of the teacher u hate. All of your friends where on the other side of the time table and where outside in PE. Alfred looked up from the school field below and waved with his huge smile plastered across his perfect face. You had a little thing for him but didn't say anything as you thought it was just better to be best friends.
"[y/n] I hope I am not bothering you!" your teacher yells sending shivers down your spine. The whole class laughs at you ex specially since everyone finds you strange. Your into all the things they are not. Like manga, heavy metal music and horror.
"Silence!" the teacher streaked neat bursting your ear drum. This shut the class up but you noticed a man who had done nothing but tried to prevent them from laughing at you.

* brake*

Sat alone with your drawings In your hand you decided to sit at a table I. The far corner and draw more. Swiftly you move and begin to let the pencil glide across the page sending you into a daze.
"Well look who it is [y/n], how is our little freak of nature. Slit your wrists lately?" Some boys laughed crowding around you. Ignoring them you put your earphones in and turn up Devils night by motionless in white (( my fave band In The whole world Chris motionless <3))
"Don't ignore us. That's the worst mistake you could ever make" the leader yelled ripping them from your ears. He grabs the scruff of your neck and pulls you from your seat. By this time you where just letting them do it. You where fed up with life and could take it no more. The scars on your arms brought back the painful reminder of what you did in the past. Tears slowly fell from you [e/c] glistening eyes and your eyeliner started running. Everyone on the yard surrounded where you where and before you knew it you where thrown to the floor. The bullies started ripping up all your drawing before the I g back to you.
"Awwww..." The main boy laughed kicking you in the face. Blood dripped from the corner of your mouth and slowly he knelt down to you. Your eyes where black and the blood still trickling down your face. Smiling his raised his fist again. Closing your eyes you wished for the pain to end. But, there was nothing then cries echoed through you ears. Looking up there was a tall man over towering everyone and looking down to them. The boys that had been tormenting you where either on the floor out cold or running off for dear life. The man turned and looked down at you. Trembling he knelt In front of you. His violet eyes glow at your [e/c] eyes sending mixed emotions.
"Hello I am Ivan." He smiles holding his hand out. You took it and smiled realising it was that man from the class room earlier.
" hi I am [ y/n]" you replied with a smile.
"Dry thoughts tears little sunflower Da!" He smiled. You the. Realised he was from Russia and knew everyone at the school was scared of him. However, that was totally wrong. There was something g about him that made you melt. Where you in love with him.....?

Become one with russia (russia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now