Friends or more....?

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* that night*

Looking out the window everywhere is silent and eary. Your (e/c) eyes where twinkling in the moonlight and the start sparkled in the sky. All the power had been cut out and your phone network was down to. That made things worse and also there was not Internet/ WiFi. You groan and flop backwards onto the bed. Taking a deep sigh too. Thinking to yourself u wonder where Alfred had disappeared and why Ivan was being nice to you. Suddenly through your tall walls the echoing of loud knocking occurred. This made your heart racing wondering who was knocking at 2am (but you couldn't sleep and wanted company) Slowly walking down the stairs you peer through the window of your front room and find a tall muscly figure stood waiting. You could see the air and realised he must be cold so running to the door you open it and find those purple orbs looking down at you and a bright smile plastered across a cold Russia.
"H-how did you know where I live" you stutter as the sharp air hits your warm body. ( you only have a pair of pyjama shorts and a vest top on)
"I wanted to see you. I thought you could use some company" he smiled more casing your heart to skip a little beat.
"Thanks I kinda could I just can't sleep and felt distressed" you say letting him in. You take is long coat and hang it up
"Sorry but I don't take the scarf off it's like my baby" he smiled taking off his boots. He shuts the door and follows you through to the kitchen
"You wanna hot chocolate?" You ask as your small hands reach for the sashays
"Yes please! What flavours do you have (y/n)?" Ivan replied back standing by the embers of the nearly dead fire.
"There's milk chocolate, white chocolate, mint, orange and erm...."you reply with before going back into the cupboard and looking
"Hold on" you say climbing into the sideboard and rummaging through the cupboard more.
"Ahh...hear it is. Or there's the last vodka one" u smile jumping back down.
"I will have the vodka one please it's my favourite drink" he smiles back putting the kettle on.

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