Chapter 4

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-The next day, Talon HQ-

"Alright, let us proceed with the brainwashing procedure. Superior and Widowmaker, I advise you to stand back." The scientist muttered, pressing a few buttons on a control panel.

Widowmaker quickly took a step back as the scientist attached several wires to Gabe's head. "How long will zis take?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"Not long at all, we just have to make sure his memory is completely wiped before we can release him." The scientist replied, placing his hand on a lever. "Getting ready to begin in three, two, one..." he pulled the lever, bolts of electricity coming off of the wires.

Gabe's face contorted in pain as he clenched his teeth. He felt his form slip closer to the monstrous form from before. "JaCk..." he growled, trying to wrestle free from his restraints.

"What is he saying?" The Superior huffed, frowning.

"Just random gibberish, sir. It's a side effect of the brainwashing procedure... it should be done soon." The scientist chuckled nervously.

"yOu HuRt mE! LeT mE Go!" Gabe roared, breaking through the restraints and releasing his inner monster. The room grew dark as black fog swirled around him. Arms sprouted from his back and multiple eyes appeared on his face. His mouth widened into a creepy snarl, sharp teeth poking through. "AhHhHh!"

"You idiot! I thought those were supposed to restrain him!" The Superior shouted in fear, scrambling for the door.

"Merde!" Widowmaker cursed, trying to shoot at Gabe with her rifle.

"YoU wIlL PaY!" Gabe, now in his true Reaper form, snarled and swatted at them. One of his many arms snatched the superior, bringing him close to his face.

"G-Get away from me you monster!" The Superior shrieked, kicking at Gabe's shadowy form.

"mOnStEr.... I aM No MoNsTeR!" Gabe howled, tearing the Superior's head off with his sharp teeth. He tossed his limp body aside, blood dripping down his chin.

"P-Please! Have mercy! Aghhh!" The scientist met the same fate as Gabe tore him in half, tossing his remains to the side.

Widowmaker screamed, bolting out the door and down the hallway. Gabe thought about following her, but his mind was set on Jack.

"MuSt fInD JaCk...." he hissed, wiping the blood from his mouth and busting down the door. Little did he know that Jack was in that same section coming to save him.

Along the way, Gabe ran into several Talon technicians. He snarled, ripping them apart with his bare hands. Blood splattered all over his torn clothing as he lumbered down the hallway.

One of the pieces of machinery exploded nearby when he crushed it, causing a fire to break out. Reaper hissed, stepping away from the heat.

"Gabe! What the...." Jack whipped around the corner, skidding to a stop. His eyes widened in horror when he saw Gabe looming over him in the corridor. "What have they done to you...."

Gabe was frozen in fear, not wanting to move. His mind was shouting at him to lunge at Jack, but he couldn't force himself to do it.

Jack felt tears spilling down his cheeks as he went to his knees. "W-Why did you do this?"

"What...?" Gabe was confused, not realizing what he'd done.

"Take this, you bloody monster!" Tracer shouted angrily, firing a dozen bullets at Gabe's form.

Since he was distracted by Jack's arrival, he wasn't in wraith form anymore. The bullets dug into him and he grunted in pain, bending over. His form slowly shrunk and a few of the arms were sucked back into him.

"Tracer Stop!" Jack grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her back. "What are you doing!?"

"Do you see it now, Jack?! He's a monster! You knew this would happen!" Tracer shouted, fighting against Jack's grip.

Meanwhile, Gabe had completely changed back into his normal form. He crumpled to the ground, a pool of blood forming underneath him.

"Gabe! No!" Jack cried out, more tears streaming down his face as he pushed Tracer aside and darted over to where Gabe was lying.

Gabe's vision wavered as he raised his hands up to his face, gasping at all the blood on his hands. He soon realized that most of the blood wasn't his. "What.... d-did.... I..... do?"

Jack pulled him up against his chest and continued to sob, both in happiness and sadness. "I don't know...."

Gabe suddenly snatched him by the jacket and yanked him closer. His eyes were wide with fear and he coughed some blood out. "I-I killed people.... didn't I?" When Jack didn't answer, he got angry. "Didn't I?!" He rasped, clutching his chest as he coughed more.

Jack hung his head and sighed. "Yes..." he tried to focus on stopping the bleeding when Gabe grabbed his hand.

"See? I told you.... I'm a monster...." Gabe snarled, tears forming in his eyes. "You should just leave me here to die..."

"Gabe Listen to me! You are not a monster! Talon turned you into a monster, not you! I love you for who you are and there is no possible way I would leave you."

"Please..... just let me die...." Gabe pleaded, his breath growing shallower by the minute.

Jack fought back his tears and growled in frustration. "No! You aren't dying on my watch!" He gently lifted Gabe off the ground, supporting him in his arms as he jogged to the exit. He didn't care that blood was splattering all over his jacket, he only cared about getting Gabe out of there safely.

As soon as he got outside, an Overwatch dropship landed on the ground before them. Jack quickly hopped on board, closing the door and placing Gabe on the medical bed.

"It's going to be alright...." Jack's voice faded in and out as Gabe tried to look at him. He felt darkness begin to envelop him as Jack looked at him and smiled.

"You're going to be alright..."

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