10. I'm sorry

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Chapter 10

Authors POV

It had been about a week since Chanyeol had the unexpected encounter with Baekhyun.

Before he went back to his room after a long silence with both Sehun and Luhan from their recent revelation, Baekhyun had already packed up and left.

I'm saying packed up because he made sure to take the shirt he already had own and three hoodies from Chanyeol's wardrobe.

Chanyeol had decided it was best he stayed away from Baekhyun and buried himself in work the whole week which even got Sunny worried because she knew how much he hated working too hard.

"Are you alright sir?" she asked as she entered his office.

"Ah...Yes im alright. Why do you ask?" Chanyeol responded as he snapped out of his thoughts.

He was trying so hard to forget about everything but he couldn't get Baekhyun and Baekkie out of his mind.

He also felt a deep sense of guilt but he figured it was because he had slept with Baekhyun when he knew his heart belonged to Baekkie.

It had always been that way but he had ruined their happy ending.

This was his chance to be with her without the fear of losing her but he just made the biggest mistake ever which would eventually push her away.

How could Baekhyun out of all people be his mate. It didn't make any sense.

Could it be that no matter what they did e could never run away from his curse.

He was still mad Sehun and Luhan had done whatever they had donebut he couldn't blame them forever.

They warned him to stay away from Baekhyun but he had done the total opposite and now both Baekkie and Baekhyun could lose their lives forever.



"You blacked out again"

"Oh...Im sorry. What were you saying?" Chanyeol said hating how his thoughts had consumed him once again.

"Im just worried about you sir. You have been acting weird all week. You seem to have something constantly on your mind and I know its none of my business but I cant help but worry. Either way I think its best you deal with whatever it is headon instead of avoiding it. Just get over and done with it. That's what my mom always says. Whatever happens will happen and you will deal with it then" she said with a smile.

"Thanks Sunny. I really needed to hear that" he said returning the smile.

"Don't mention it. Anyway this came for you" she said as she left a small basket on his table before leaving the office for the day.

Chanyeol hesitantly looked into the basket but the sweet smell pulled him in.

It was filled with freshly baked biscuits but that was not the scent that pulled him in. it was the scent of his mate.

He opened the envelop tied to the side and read the note.

'You're a jerk but I can't help but worry about you'

Chanyeol couldn't help the smile that covered his face.

No I shouldn't be smiling. This isn't how it was supposed to happen.

He said to himself as he took a deep breath but the sweet scent of his mate filled his mind with different thoughts.

He grabbed his phone before rushing out of the building and soon he had parked his car in front of the bakery.

Chanyeol wasn't exactly sure why he was there or what exactly he wanted but soon he took a deep breath and headed into the bakery.

He gazed into familiar dark brown eyes...but they didn't make his heart skip a beat like they did before.

He was actually more disappointed that he had every been in his life and that puzzled him even more.

Baekkie had always been the center of his life since the first day he met her. Why would her presence all of a sudden make him feel disappointed?

At most he was hoping for guilt for what he had done but this is all he got.


"Hello Mr. Park. It's been a while" she said giving him her usual bright smile that suddenly had no effect on him as it did before.

"I told you to call me Chanyeol" he said forcing a smile as he walked to the counter.

"I'm sorry Mr....I mean Chanyeol" she said but before he could respond the shop door opened and he was consumed by his mates scent.

It wasn't like before. This time the scent hit him with a lot of emotions he didn't expect.

Desire, possessiveness, need, affection and so much more. But at the end he could feel it. Especially when he turned around to meet the familiar dark brown eyes that made his un-beating heart literally jump out of his chest.


He now understood why he felt guilty when he saw the look in his mates' eyes.

He had hurt Baekhyun.

He had said very hurtful things to his soulmate and the pain he suddenly felt was worse than all the times he had lost Baekkie.

Especially when Baekhyun turned to leave the shop in a rush.

At that moment Chanyeol realized something as his heart broke in to pieces the further away the shorter male walked away from him.

He couldn't lose Baekhyun. No matter what he thought or planned he couldn't allow his soul mate to leave him.

He couldn't imagine a life without him.

Not now. Not ever.

Without another word he ran after Baekhyun, catching him before he got back into his car.

"Let me go" Baekhyun screamed and as soon as Chanyeol turned him around to face him he saw tears in his eyes.

This only made the vampires guilt increase.

Baekhyun struggled as Chanyeol gently pinned him to the car but soon gave up when he saw they was no use.

His mate was a vampire after all.

"I'm sorry" Chanyeol said but Baekhyun refused to look him in the eyes.

"You said it can't be me" Baekhyun whispered in a sad broken voice.

"I'm sorry"

"You said I was never a part of the plan"

"I'm sorry"

"You said I can't be your mate"

"I'm sorry"

"You said you were meant to be with Baekkie not me"

"I was wrong" Chanyeol said and Baekhyun finally looked up to face him.

Chanyeol loosened his grip and he lowered his head.

All anger and hurt seemed to evaporate as Baekhyun closed his eyes as he felt the lips of his mate on his own.

Even though Baekhyun knew that this was all a bad idea. Even though he had been warned that loving the vampire was a risk on his own life.

Baekhyun had tried to fight their bond but he just couldn't stay away from his mate even if it meant he could die.



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