19. The end of the road

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The end of the road

Opening his heavy eyes Baekhyun took a while to take in all his surroundings with his blurry vision. As soon as his vision cleared he noticed the amazing paintings of all sorts of magical creatures on the ceiling above him as well and the huge beautiful gold and clear crystal chandelier directly above him.

He tried to move but couldn't. Raising his head he realised he was tied up on a circular stone table with strange symbols on it. Hands and feet tied, spread out like a star fish.

"Finally, you're awake. I was getting impatient. Its time to get this party started" he heard a now familiar voice that filled him to anger but as the memories came back he was more worried, "Chanyeol?"

"Don't worry. He is right here" Baekhyun stretched to his far right. It was gainful but he had to see that Chanyeol was alright.

It seemed to be a throne made of crystal. He had to admit 8t was beautiful but the sight before him filled him with more anger, "GET THE F*CK OFF MY MATE"

Chanyeol still seemed to be unconscious and the witch had made herself comfortable on his lap on the throne. She had even put matching crowns on his head and her own.

"Now now that isn't the way to speak to the Queen of vampires. Don't you like our matching crowns. At first I thought it was much but now I think it's just perfect" she said with an evil grin.

"Get off him. He is mine not yours" Baekhyun tried to reach out to his mate through their bond but something seemed to be blocking him out.

"Don't waste your time because all you will get is a headache. My spell can only be broken by true loves kiss" Taeyeon said as she rolled her eyes, "I needed a spell that would keep him down and sadly this was the best the ancient wishes could come up with but don't worry. As soon as I absorb your essence and soul I will become his mate and we will be together forever after I kiss him"

"Wh...what? What about the curse? What about Baekkie?" Baekhyun asked. Wasn't this about killing him then resuming her curse.

"What about her? Originally I wanted to continue torturing him... But the moment I had him in my arms I knew I had to have him. I was angry he left me for that useless farmers daughter but now... I have decided to take back what is mine. I will kill her and all your friends. I don't have to worry about the curse because it does with you. If I didn't kill that little witch I would thank him for what he did. Instead of giving Chanyeol a love potion now I can become his mate and he literally will not be able to resist me. What a perfect end to a perfect story. Now I actually do believe in happy endings" her wicked laugh filled the room.

"Nooooo... I won't..." But suddenly his lips were sealed with duck tape and his head lowered. His view was only of the ceiling because he couldn't move anymore.

"Thank you Melvin. He was getting annoying" Taeyeon said before she gave the vampire prince a kiss on the cheek, "Dont worry my love. Soon we will be together forever" she stood up and walked up to the young man who was tied up.

"Don't worry Baekhyun. Know that your sacrifice will not be in vain. You were willing to die to free your love from the curse. This is just a bonus for me but at least your death will still be worth it. This is the end of the road" she said as she stood by his head placing her palms on both his cheeks.

Four more switched in dark hoodies and strange symbols on their forheads joined the circle as they began chanting their spell to transfer his soul. He could feel himself getting weaker but tried his best to fight it.

'Chanyeol my love. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I couldn't save us. I couldn't save my sister. I couldn't save your friends. I'm so sorry. I was willing to die for you but not like this. Now this woman will have control over you for all eternity, and I will never get to see you again. I love you Chanyeol. Even if I die I pray that you will be able to be free from this evil witch. That you will have free will and you will have a free life to love who you want. Even if it's Baekkie I don't mind. I just want you to be free. I love you. Always. Forever" and everything went blank and he breathed his last breathe.


Do you really think it's the end of the road? Will the evil witch get what she wants?

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