11. Cursed

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Chapter 11

Author's POV


"Baek I think this is a bad idea"

"I agree with Baekkie. We shouldn't be going to a place like this" Kyungie said as the two girls held each other's hands and they followed the three daring boys who led the way into the forest.

"Come on guys this is going to be fun" Baekhyun said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I have to agree with the girls Baek this is insane" Tao said as he looked to the side when he heard shuffling in the leaves only to see a squirrel run past.

At least it was in the middle of the day but the tall bushy trees gave the forest a dark shade.

Honestly it looked like something out of a horror movie.

"Come on guys. Where is your sense of adventure? It's not like the big bad wolf is going to jump out and eat us" Xiumin said.

"Don't worry Trent said they aren't any wolves in this area so we are safe" Baekhyun said leading the way.

"Baekhyun this is all bullshit. You expect us to believe this Trent guy is a werewolf and he told you there is a witch who lives around these areas. Tell me again why we are looking for a witch who could turn us all into frogs. Not that I believe in all this crazy" Kyungie lashed out.

Baekhyun stopped and turned around causing everyone to halt.

"First of all its not bullshit it's true. No matter how hard you try to deny it the supernatural world is real and all around us. Secondly he said she's a good witch and she could help us get a cure for my mother who if you haven't forgotten is dying of cancer" Baekhyun said making Kyungie feel a little guilty for her outburst.

Honestly Baekkie also thought it was all crazy but was willingly to do anything to save their mother who was suffering in bed at home.

They knew she didn't have much time left and hated how defeated their father looked after all the failed treatments.

That was the only reason she agreed to all this.

"But won't this witch want some sort of payment?" Tao asked.

"I'm willing to give her my own life if I have to" Baekhyun said before he turned and they continued their journey.

Soon a small cabin appeared in the distance as they finally arrived at their destination.

They all stood frozen right outside the cabin wondering if this was a good or bad idea.

It looked pretty normal and cozy but who knows what awaited them inside.

"Are you all just going to stand out here until the sun sets or walk in with me" they all turned in shock as they faced a handsome young man with white hair and a welcoming smile.

He opened the door and everyone silently followed him.

It was normal on the inside.

Nice, warm and comfortable as they all settled in the lounge.

The man brought them juice and a plate filled with cookies which they gave suspicious looks.

"Don't worry they are ordinary cookies. No poison or potions in them" he said.

"How did you..."

"I know who you all are and why you are here. Every witch has a special ability and I'm also a seer. That means I can see the future and sometimes the past" he said as he settled in front of them.

"My name is Lay" he said with a smile.

"Since you already know all our names I guess we don't have to introduce ourselves" Baekhyun responded with a smile.

"True" Lay said before he placed a bottle with a clear red liquid in front of the twins who sat next to each other.

"It tastes horrible but it will definitely kill the cancer. If she drinks this she will be completely healed" he said but before he could move away Baekkie held his left hand while Baekhyun held his right pulling him into a vision.

"Thank you so much. How can we repay you? How much do you need?" they both sad at the same time.

Lay looked at the twins who had now let go of him with a sad concerned look.

"There is no need for payment. He has already paid it for you" he said.

"Who?" Baekhyun asked in shock.

"Your soul mate...I'm so sorry Baekhyun that you had to be dragged into all this, no one deserves such a fate" Lay said.

"What do you mean? Is my brother in danger?" Baekkie asked as Lay turned to her.

"You were cursed to die because of love for all eternity...but that curse was transferred..." then Lay turned back to Baekhyun, "to him."

They all looked at the witch in confusion.

"Now your first love will be your first heartbreak but your life will go on. But Baekhyun on the other hand will die because of his first love" Lay explained.

"What?" everyone asked in shock.

"I wasn't even supposed to tell you but my heart ached when I saw your future. His highness came to me years ago to cast a protection spell but it will not be enough to save you. No matter what happens don't love him. Don't allow him to drink your blood for that will bond you together sealing your fate"

"Wait a minute why would I allow anyone to drink my blood. That's just gross. It my soul mate a pervert or psychopath?" Baekhyun asked as he scrunched up his face in disgust.

"No. Your mate is a vampire" Lay said shocking everyone into silence for a minute.

"I'm not as freaked out with that fact as I thought I would be" Baekhyun said with a smile.

"She just told you, you could die because of this guy" Baekkie said in distress.

She was more worried about losing her twin brother and all their friends agreed.

"I just don't have to fall in love with him. How hard could it be?" Baekhyun said.

"Do not underestimate the bond between mates Baekhyun. Your death will be sealed the moment he drinks your blood"



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