kaycee x natalie

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natalie's pov

going into the big brother house i didn't except what i have now. i walked in straight and probably going out bi. the one person who caught my eye was kaycee. she was extremely beautiful, tall, and a body i could die for. we started out as friends but i fell for her instantly.

as of right now we were wrapped up in each others arms sitting on the couch in the hoh room. angela was hoh this week and we were discussing our plan for the week and talking about competitions.

'it's just not far all the comps we've done i've been too short for.' i said messing with kaycees costume.
'hey you can't say anything jc is still going and be shorter then you, and you are pretty damn short.' kaycee said laughing. 'yea nat you are pretty short to say the least.' angela said laughing. it went on for what seemed like hours. i got up from kaycees lap and walked to the door, 'if you would excuse me.' i walked out and headed to the kitchen where all the boys were chilling making food.

'hey ty, the bros.' they said hey back as i wrapped my arm around tyler. he hugged me from behind and out his chin on my head. it was known that tyler would flirt with me it was a thing he does. we are both just big flirts.

we were having fun joking around when kaycee and angela came walking down the stairs.

'hey do you guys want to come workout with us outside.' angela said. everyone agreed but me. i didn't like working out but i enjoy the show.  watching kaycee workout was a show in itself. she liked to go slow and worked out for a long time. we would be in the backyard for hours with little make out break in between of course. but today i was in the mood to make kaycee jealous. i love doing this i love seeing how jealous and protective she could get.

'hey nat come help me with the bench press i need a spot and you're the perfect gal.' tyler said winking at me as i got up and walked over the him. kaycee directed her attention towards me. a very stern look came from her as i watched tyler lift.

*an hour passes by*

i was chilling in the hammock with tyler i would say it was maybe 11:00 at night. we were talking about how jealous kaycee had been all day. 'i like anglea has a crush on you tyler.' i said resting my hand on his leg. 'no she doesn't, i mean she beautiful but i don't think she came in the game for a showmance.'

kaycees pov

i've watched for hours tyler flirt with my girl and her flirt back. it just isn't right i was never the jealous type but damn natalie makes me feel sometime of way. she always helps me when i can't think, she is supposed to help ME work out not tyler, and she belongs to me. i walked past the backdoor and saw tyler and natalie talking. 'how look have they been out there.' i asked jc as i grabbed a cup of water. 'almost an hour.' he said bitting carrots.

i places my cup in the sink and walked back to the backyard. i walked up to the hammock tyler and natalie were laying on. 'i'll take this.' i said grabbing nat and bringing her back into the house. 'what was that for.' she said sitting down crossing her arms. 'stop flirting with everyone in the house. it's for real messed up.' i later on the bed next to her. 'awe is someone jealous.' she said placing her hand on my chest. 'stop it's not funny .' i grabbed her and pulled her on top of me.

'you're mine not someone else. mine.'

word count: 671

this was requested by @natasnack i hope you enjoy and thank you -xoxo

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