Chapter Sixteen

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I couldn't resist making another Yoonmin chapter >.< 

This will be all fluffiness and kissing and laughter so everyone can enjoy a quick break from all of the intense drama! That being said, this does not add to the plot so if you are not interested in the Yoonmin side of this story then you can skip this chapter and I won't mind.

I hope you enjoy!


"Nope, absolutely not. You already have me signed up to do some stupid dance, which I'm pretty sure is not going to work out because we haven't spoken to Tae or Jungkook in what feels like ages but anyway. I am not going to let you dress me up like a girl just because you are a little bored." Yoongi stated matter of factly, his stare at Jimin intense and challenging. The younger was not having any of it.

"But hyung~ you would look so cute! Imagine a little black bob hair cut with a fringe and some light make-up, perhaps also a skirt...?"

"Jimin, no. Why do you own a skirt? Look it doesn't matter, I am not doing it. End of, not happening."

"See hyung! This haircut suits you so well!" Jimin cooed as he carefully brushed out the black wig that was currently on a very unwilling Yoongi.

"I look like a girl." The usually mint haired male huffed out, slightly irritated.

"That's kind of the point. Please let me do your make-up too! I just got a new eye shadow palette and there is a colour that would look gorgeous on you!" Jimin begged as he kissed his boyfriends cheek, a little "please" being said between each peck.

"No. I draw the line at make-up. I will wear it as I normally do but I am not using it to look like a girl, no chance." Yoongi growled out. He was currently glaring at his younger boyfriend in the mirror.



"You look so pretty! I knew that colour would work well with your eyes, I am a genius!" Jimin exclaimed happily as he gently cupped Yoongi's face in his palms, careful to avoid the freshly put on make-up that was still setting.

"This is not funny Jimin. Take it off now. You have had your fun, now lets stop." Yoongi sighed. He looked at the mirror and felt his life drain slowly from his body. He did look like a girl and it was mortifying.

"But hyung~ we have got this far... the skirt would only take a second to put on and I know it will fit you just perfectly!" Jimin persuaded, gripping his boyfriend's hand in his own and kissing the palm softly.

"No." Yoongi declared. He removed his hand from Jimin's and promptly flicked the younger on the forehead to further express his decision. He felt proud of himself for being strong-willed but that did nothing to stop the insane amount of guilt that flooded through him at the sight of his younger boyfriend's eyes quickly tearing up.

"Oh wow, hyung, you, I um." Jimin started shakily, his eyes looking his boyfriend up and down.

"Shut up." Yoongi muttered shyly.

"You look so... cute, but you look pretty hot too... it's weird." Jimin just about managed to get out.

I'm Sorry, I love you ~ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now