4. Quotes from Funny Kids Video! 😆

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1. An 8-year-old boy was sitting in the armchair, with Sunglasses on, dressed as if it was Summer. 

His mother asked 'what are you wearing? - It's Freezing Outside!' ( don't worry - he was Inside the House :) )

He lowered his Sunglasses like some Movie Star, looked at her saying 'I need a Break from You Guys' & calmly drank orange juice he was holding in his hand! XD

( 😎 lol ) 

2. A Very Little Girl came to Drive Fastfood in her Toy 'Cinderalla Carriage' like Car

- the worker asked her 'How can I help you? :) '

She answered: 'I need a Sprite & a chocolate milk, ok? - & that's all... - Oh, and I want a Toy!'

( lol, Kids are Adorable! 😆😆😆 ) 

3. A Mother saw that there was a Mess, Half of the Bathroom was covered with Cream. She asked her 4-year-old Son 'Why did you you do that?' 

The Little Boy answered 'Uh, that's so weird - I didn't do it'! XD

( Lol, so Who did? 😉 - He also was there & covered with Cream! - so I guess it was Him!  ^_~ ) 

4. A 3-year-old Girl said 'Happy Thanksgiving' to the camera on Thanksgiving Day - so Her Mother asked her 'Is it Turkey Day?'

The Little Girl 'Yeah! :) '

The Mother: 'So what are you going to eat today?' 

The Little Girl 'Steak!' 😤

( Lol, right, Toddler 'logic' can be Hilarious! :D )

5. A 5-year-old Girl was calling her Mother repeating 'Mom, mom, mom, mom!' many times like a parrot

- when she got no answer she called 'MOM! MOOOOOOM!' louder & in such a weird/funny voice that it almost made me Laugh! :)

( - But of course I was sorry for her that 'she was ignored for so long' - children don't like it, so what I thought about her mother was 'Is that Woman Sleeping or Filming? XD ... - How Long can she Not React?' 😆 )

6. A 3-year-old girl sitting in the back seat of the Car told her older Sister 'You're a Bracelet!'

The Mother 'Don't call her 'a bracelet' that wasn't nice!

The Little Girl looking at her sister 'You're a Shirt!' 👕

( Lol, I've never heard Anyone calling other People with some Clothes names! XD 

- that was Funny! :D )

7. a 10-year-old girl was eating some food 

& said to the camera 'I cooked it All by Myself, I put it into the oven... - & I don't like it!' XD

( lol, don't worry, Girl ! 😁 - You don't have to go to 'Masterchef Junior'! :) - just try again, & next time should be Better!  ^_^ )

8. A 5-year-old was sad

Her Mother asked her 'why are you so upset'?

She answered 'I wanted to do chores!'

( Lol.. just wait till she turns into a Teen - she probably will not want to do chores Anymore! 😂😂😂 )

9. The Father of a 4-year-old Girl shouted 'Surprise! - Happy Birthday!' & there were Streamers hanging everywhere.

The Little Girl looked at the Streamers & said 'You made a Proud Mess'! XD

( Lol, I guess That was the Funniest One! :D - Don't be a 'Little Grey Branch', Girl ! 😆 - Enjoy Your Party! 😁🎂👍 )

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