8. Quotes from Funny Kids Videos 4

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22. A mother told a 4-year-old girl 'If you want to go to the Restaurant - you have to be nice. And that means waiting patiently without yelling or being mean'

The girl made a sad face & answered 'Mom! - I want to be Mean!' ( XD )

( Lol ! 😆 - hope they'll manage to convince her that 'being nice makes your life better' someday )

23. A 5-year-old girl was fooling around

they asked her 'What are you doing?'

She answered 'I'm just Driving Mama Crazy'! ( XD )

Her mother answered 'Yeah, that's Very True!' 

( Lol ! 😂😂😂 )

24. They asked a 2-year-old girl 'What is your Father's name?'

She answered 'Daddy!' :)

( Lol, right, 😁 - that's how she always calls him - so she may think that it's His 'name'!  ^_~ )

25. A 5-year-old Sister asked her 3-year-old brother 'What are you eating?'

He answered 'Butt cake'! ( XD )

So she said 'Butt cake? :/ ... - it's a CUPcake'! ( 😆 )

( Well, what he said has a logical explanation... - & makes sense: If he saw How Cooper makes them!  ^_~ 🍧🍧🍧 )


26. A father asked a 2-year-old girl 'Who made that mess?'

She answered 'YOU!' XD

( ok, kids always say that 'it's not them!' 😉 )

27. A father told a 3-year-old boy 'Damien, you're smart'! :)

The kid shouted 'No, I'm not! - I'm not Smart!' ( XD )

( Well, I guess he didn't understand that word - & thought it meant 'something bad'! 😆😆😆 lol )

28. A 10-year-old boy said 'I need to Make My Life go right'

The mother asked him 'Why is your life not going right? 

He looked at his Little Brother standing behind him & said 'Because He Keeps Ruining Everything!' ( XD )

( Lol ! 😆 - don't worry, Kid - your Little Brother will grow out of it someday! :) )

29. There were two kids in the video: A 6-year-old girl was singing 'Happy Birthday' nicely - & her little, 4-year-old Brother started crying & repeating 'I can't sing - I can't Sing!' 

( Don't worry, you'll learn it! - just need some Practice! 😁🎵👍 )

30. A mother was playing with her 5-year-old Daughter & asked her 'Write a check for Mommy'.

The Little Girl made a serious face & answered 'I can't write checks for People'

( Lol ! 😆 - of course not 'Real Checks' :) ... - but in some game - You Can!  ^_^ 👍 )

31. A 9-year-old boy was dancing in the video & said 'I hope This Gets me a Girlfriend!' ( XD )

( Lol, nice Try, Kid! 😉 ... - Aren't you 'too young to have one' now? :) )

32. An aunt asked a 6-year-old boy 'Am I old?'

He answered 'Yeah... - Fat too!' 

( well, don't ask a Kid such questions - If you don't want to get Such Answers! 😉 - they're 'too honest' Sometimes' lol )

33. There were two brothers in the video: a 5-year-old & a 3-year-old.

The older one started singing 'Happy Birthday' nicely - but the younger one started Jumping & literally Screaming the Song! ( XD )

The older brother looked at the little one Surprised & asked him 'Are you Kidding me, Dude?' :D

( Lol, this made me Laugh! 😂😂😂 )

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