5. Quotes from Funny Kids Video 2

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10.  A 3-year-old boy was playing wth an Orange toy

- His mother asked him 'What color is this?' - He answered 'Yellow'

She asked again 'what color?' - & he said 'Yellow' again

The mother asked 'Can you say 'O - ' he repeated 'O - '

the mother finished the word ' - range' - he answered 'No!' XD

( 😁 lol ) 

11. Another Toddler boy was standing back to the camera

- His mother asked 'Say it to the camera' so he turned front to the camera, made a funny face spreading his arms & asked with a funny voice 'Wh-aat? - Are You Kidding Me?' XD

( that sounded as if he was Parodying some movie character, lol 😁 )

12. A 5-year-old Girl said 'I want my butt big'

the Father 'But you don't want to have a big butt'

The Girl 'Yes, I do - Just like Mommy's! :) ' 

( lol, Kids' observation & honesty! 😂😂😂 )

13. The mother asked a 2-year-old Girl who tried Ice cream for the first time: 'Do you like Ice Cream? :) '

The Girl answered 'No!' & threw her ice cream on the Floor! XD

( wow, she Really Didn't Like it! 😆 )

14. The mother was trying to Teach a 4-year-old girl how to address Royalty & said 'Your Highness... '

The girl answered 'My Highness'

The Mother 'No... - YOUR Highness'... - The Girl said 'My Highness' again! XD

( lol, Little Princess! 😊👸 )

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