51. I Want You To Remember

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I will Always Be Here

- Even if you Forgot about me So Easily 

& there was No Reason to Stop Talking to Me - but YOU DID.

Most of You Wouldn't Notice if a Bergen Ate Me

- or if I suddenly just dsappeared

Cause you would be too 'busy' with being bored, thinking Negative 

& Making Unnecessary Dramas out of 'Worthless Little Things'

But the Good News for Those who Still Care is:

- I am Not Going to Disappear 

Cause I Still Have some Good Things To DO 

And This Place Still Needs Some Positivity

- And I don't Give Up as easily as many users already did

Wasting whole months or even Years of Their Hard Work

- deleting their Wattpads with Just One Click 

On No, My Friends - I won't do That! 

- I am Going to Stay Here!

To Still Cheer up & Help Everyone I can 

& just have a Friendly talk or a nice RP 

( I'm even willing to forgive those who suddenly left me

- if something Refreshes their Memory:

And They'll recall that 'I Exist'! ) 

My Book of Positivity 5Where stories live. Discover now