First impressions.

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Cressida pov

I am Cressida Diaz. I am 14 and I like to play the guitar, and the piano. I love music.

My parents are Rafeal and Angie Diaz. They are kind of old. Their like 60...

I have a big sister named Mariposa Who's in college now...

Anyways todays the first day of High school...

I need to go down for breakfast now.

Mom made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast...

Angie: Are you sure you dont wanna be home schooled?

Cressida: Positive, I would miss my friends, Ashley, and Felix.

Angie: Ok.. Bye! love you!

Rafeal: Bye Cressie! Have a great day!

Cressida: Love you too.

I hug them and run to the bus stop.

The bus arrives five minutes later.

Ashley saved me a seat, by the window, she loves the window.

She must be in a good mood.

Cressida: Hey Ashl-

I was cut off when I saw, her 5 year old sister asleep.

Shes so little, I couldnt see her.

Ashley: Sorry, its Ashlynn's first day of Kindergarten. Shes very nearvous.

Cressida: I get it, my sister did the same for me.

I looked around and saw an empty seat.

I walked over to it. Just then someone slid into the seat before I could. Someone in a red hoodie.

Cressida: HEY!

?: Hey, Cressida?

Cressida: Hi, Felix.

Felix: Ive missed you so much, here! Sit with me!

Cressida: Ok...

I sat down.

He took off his jacket, and handed it to me.

Felix: Are you cold?

Cressida: Yeah, actually...

I smiled and put it on.

Cressida: Thankyou...

We talked about our summer on the remainder of the bus ride.

We arrived at school 30 minutes later.

Time skip to end of school day...

I ran to my locker, I had forgotten my composition notebook.

My teacher, Ms. Skullnick, wants it.

That's my teacher for this year, horrible.

Mom and Dad say she was teaching when they went to highschool. And their 60!

Ms. Skullnick looks like a troll...

Literally, not in a rude way.

Im walking home...

I dont want to ride the bus...

Felix walks up to me.

Felix: Where you going?

Cressida: Im walking home today.

Felix: I'll walk with you...

Cressida: ok...

Felix: Im glad we have classes together.

Cressida: Me too.

Felix: Oh, wait, I made you something in art class...

He handed me a clay turtle...

Felix: You still like turtles right?

Cressida: Of couse I do!

Felix: Well good.

Cressida: Thankyou...

Felix: Oh look, theres your house.

I didn't relize we had been walking all that time.

Cressida: Bye, see you at school!

Felix: Bye.

I walked up the steps, I opened the door and saw something that made my heart skip a beat...


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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