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2 months later

It been a month since Sabrina has been in a coma, and it's been hard. I figured out that I love Sabrina to death but other than that Zahari move with my dad and I'm about to run over the business. Bri stopped bothering me as much, but she would call ever now and again, and I got my cars fixed. We've been looking for my sister, but this nigga got a whole lotta fucking traps, so we at least hit like 2 or 3 every day.

But it was Saturday and right now me and Aiden was just sitting in the house watching movies and shit cause we were board, but I was plaining on going to the hospital.

"What you wanna do today." I asked Aiden he shrugged, I sighed.

"You wanna just ride around." He hoped up and nodded so I got my keys and we headed to my car.

I drove off when Zay had called me.

"Wassup big bro." I said coming to a stop light.

"Nothing but you need to come get me from this girl house." I laughed while shaking my head.

"Alright just drop the addy I'll be there soon." I hung up and the light turned green. I drove and soon he texted me the address.

"Zion can you put on I ain't going outside today." I nodded and put on outside by NBA YoungBoy. That lil nigga was jamming.

Soon I pulled up to the house and when I tell you I was dying. This girl was throwing shit at him and cursing him out while he trying to get his clothes that I guess she threw. I beeped the horn and he turned around, He got alone clothes he could and ran to the car.

"Thank you, Z, and wassup Aiden." I turned the music down and just looked at him and then back to the road and drove off.

"Damn nigga I thought we was only ducking and dodging bullets not plates and shit." He slapped the back of my head making me swerve the car.

"That ain't funny that girl crazy." I laughed.

"You coming to my house." He nodded. My phone started ringing so I put it on the Bluetooth in the car.

"Zion I'm at the hospital and they have news on Sabrina, so I need you
to come now." I did a whole you turn making Aiden slide to the side.

"Damn nigga don't kill me and Aiden." I mugged Zay and told insane I'll be there soon.

"What if she wakes up and break up with me or Bri come and tell her some bull shit." I glanced at Zay and he was looking at me.

"She ain't going to break up with you. You killed your fucking mom I don't think any nigga would so that for they gurl and just explain the Bri situation." I nodded and pulled up at the hospital.

I got out and made sure everybody was out the car and we went inside the hospital, we went to her room and insane was in there, but Sabrina wasn't in there.

"Where's Sabrina." I started worrying and my heart started beating fast.

"She's in the-." The bathroom door opened, and Sabrina came out I quickly went up to her and hugged her tight.

"You.squishing.me.nigga." I quickly let go if her and backed up.

"I'm just happy that your awake." I smiled. I lead her back to her bed and sat next to her.

"We'll let y'all talk." I nodded and they all left out.

"I'm sorry Sabrina, I am really but I understand that if you wanna break up and have nothing to do with me cause of what my mom and Michael did to you." I was about to get up, but she grabbed my hand and forced me into a kiss.

She pulled away and then slapped the shit outta me, I guess insane heard it cause he ran into there.

"Everyone ok." He scanned the room. We nodded and then he looked at my face and started laughing while shaking his head. I glared at him.

"Why you hit me." I asked rubbing my face.

"Don't ever say no dumb shit like that Zion I love you ok." Tears came down her face.

"I love you too Sabrina." I wiped her eyes then pulled her into a long passionate kiss.

"Aww look at the two love birds." I flicked say off and pulled away.

"I don't know why you talking you need to go fix things with yo girl she the one throwing plates and cups and shit at you." He mugged me and then whispered something under his breath. I ignored him.

Somebody came in the room but I ain't open my eyes. I just laid in Sabrina lap while she played in my hair.

"Ok Sabrina you could leave tomorrow actually we just have to watch your breathing and check your vitals and how you do over night but as for everything else you are healthy." I knew that voice I just didn't want to open my eyes, I was low-key scared to.

"Alright thank you Dr. Coleman." I shot my eyes open, and Brianna was staring at me. I started shifting.

"You alright baby." I nodded.

"Yea babe I'm alright." I told her. Brianna looked mad. She walked out the room.

"Aye insane and Zay can I talk to yall really quick please." He nodded and we both got up and left out the room and started walking down the hallway.

"Bro I'm freaking out, she's going to tell Sabrina and she's going to break up with and I can't go through being without Sabrina, that's like living without life." I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands.

"She ain't going to leave you z calm down we gotchu man just like I said she love you and you love her, and I know you ain't going to hurt her." I nodded.

"When the time do come in going to try to talk to her." I made a small smile and then got up.

"Zion when I tell her about us, she defiantly going to break up with her and when she finds about our baby." Bri walked past us.

I was about to go after her, but they stopped me. "Can I just shoot her and put her in a coma." They looked us me crazy.

"No shooting people doesn't solve anything."


"No Zion for real." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I stomped back in the room and sat with Sabrina.

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