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I got up well barely cause Zahari was on top of me. I moved her and went to go put on some clothes so I could get ready to go to the trap. Yea I said I was going to school, but I changed my mind.

I did my hygiene and stuff like that and got dressed. I went downstairs and my granny was walking outside.

"You are leaving." I asked her. She turned around and smiled. "No, I'm just going to sit in my rocking chair on the porch.

I nodded and she turned back
around and walked outside. I went back upstairs to get my phone and call Zay. When I got up there Zahari was still sleep. I bent over and kissed her cheek but groaned when the pain came shooting up my body.

I got some pain medicine out my bathroom and took some. I call Zay so; he could come and get me. "Hello." He spoke. "Wassup nigga come on so you can pick me up." I told him. "Nigga I was just about to call you but I'm like right around the corner." He told me. "Ight." I hung up and left out my room and down the stairs and out the house and I sat beside my granny.

"You leaving." She asked. I looked straight ahead looking into the thin air. "Yea I gotta go handle something and then ima come back and take Zahari to the mall to get some clothes." I told her.

"Child are you still in school?" She asked I nodded yes. "Yea it's just I got into something, and I need these days off but I'm going back next week." I told her and she looked at me.

"What you get into now." She spoke and looked over at me. "Well, I got stabbed but this friend helped me out some I'm bool right now." I told her.

"You remind me of your father always out and about and getting hurt." I started getting angry at that.

"Granny no disrespect but fuck that nigga he ain't nothing and I hate him." Right on que sat had pulled up. I hoped up and went to his car and got in.

"What's wrong with you." Zay asked me while handing me a blunt. I inhaled it before responding. "Something my grandmother said
that got me pissed." I exhaled and he nodded and drove off.

"Oh, and just to tell you don't start no shit and the boss is disrespectful but at times he is cool." I nodded and handed him the blunt.

For the rest of the ride, it was silent except for the music. When we made there, and it was a couple of niggas on the steps. We walked pass them and inside the abandoned looking house.

We walked past where some niggas were smoking and playing games. We walked up some stairs and then down a long ass hallway and then we came to this all red doors.

"This nigga must be living like royalty." I said and Zay nodded
before knocking on the door. We heard a come in and I instantly got heated.

It was my piece of shit who I use to call a father. I just stared at him, and he looked shocked. "Come sit." He said and me and Zay sat in chairs that was in front of his desk.

"Zion how are you." He said like he hasn't abandoned me and my sister. I just wanted to beat the crap out of him. Zay looked confused; I'm guessing he didn't tell him my name.

"Sperm donor." I looked at him. "Zay can you please leave the room I'll be coming down soon." He said still looking at me.

Zay looked at me like are you going to be alright I nodded, and he got up and left. I looked back at my sperm donor.

I got up and looked around the room. "You know 10 years is a long fucking time. You know I was hoping I didn't have to see you ever again." I stopped walking and looked at me.

"Look Zion I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and your sisters." Yep, he said it right I originally have two sisters, but I disowned my big sister, so it was only me and Zahari.

"Sorry, you are sorry, you wanna know I always heard sorry from that crackhead of a mother you left us with and her dumbass boyfriend." I spoke.

"10 years, 10 fucking years of abuse 10 fucking years of me trying to survive out in the streets trying to get money for me and my sister and that a right I said sister. Since you left you have a daughter that's being a hoe and I don't even know where she is." He had his head down.

"So, tell me how your life has been so far." I asked him and he looked up at me with so much regret. I shook my head at him.

"I'm sorry for leaving you and your sisters. It's just that I was mad at your mother because all she did was get high and drunk, so I left." He told me.

"You know what fuck this conversation can we just get to why I'm here damn." I yelled at him, and he looked shocked.

"Alright I want you to be in the gang since you know where the trap is but I'm going to introduce you to everyone and run down some things." I nodded and we both got up and walked out his office.

I never thought I'll see the day I seen my father again. I'm going to let Zahari see him even though I don't forgive him but I'm not going to not let him see his daughter and I just have to find my older sister.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the dude from yesterday and came and put me in a head lock. "Come on pussy ass nigga." He yelled at me. I tried getting out the head lock but that shit hurt. I ain't no pussy bitch so you know I tried.

"Aye insane get off of her i got some shit to tell all of yall so in a single file line." He let me go but not without pushing and mugging I mugged him back and he got in the line.

I just stood next to Aaron (her father's name) and waited for to him to talk. "Ok what do y'all got between each other." He looked at me and the dude I'm guessing is insane.

"Pussy just mad cause I got head from his bitch." Everybody started laughing except him, so I just smirked at him. He looked pissed.

"Naw it's not even all that lol nigga was being disrespectful towards me and not call her a bitch." He said to me.

"Well, what you want me to call her a hoe ok. Well just to let you know yo hoe has some fire ass head." He rushed to me and tried to swing but I ducked. He got more heated and took out a gun.

"Come on man you really finna shoot me cause yo hoe got some fire ass head and she not even your bitch she's, our bitch. Now everybody by a show of hand tell me who either got head or fucked that bitch." Almost every damn body then fucked or got head.

"Man, whatever." He said and put his gun away. "Look we get your mad but calm down." Aaron said. "But other than that, I'm Zion' s father and she is now a part of the crew." He spoke. Everybody nodded.

"You're not my father you lost that title when you left. For now, you're my sperm donor you have to earn that father title." I said serious asf.

"Just know if you fuck us over, I'm gone kill you." Insane said and the rest nodded in agreement. "But I have a drop for you and Zay.

I nodded and sat got the duffel bag and we left.

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