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After dinner, Connor helped me into the guest room, which coincidentally used to be my old room. It was very modern now. A big queen sized bed was in the room with a few pieces or furniture. I pack all my belongings and made the room feel like home. I had put a few small plants in the room because I love plants and I hung up a few posters of some bands I like. It was about 11:30 and everyone was asleep. A smile grew on my face as I remembered one of the reasons I wanted to come back. I quickly but quietly ran down the stairs and threw on my converse and a black jacket. I slowly opened the back door and let myself out. I really hoped this is the one thing that didn't change. As I stepped into the backyard, I smiled as it hadn't changed. The grass was green, the trees were leafy and the most important; my tree house was still up. I ran over to the tree and looked up to where I had to climb. I started climbing up using the little pieces if wood nailed to the tree stump to help me up. I reached the platform where the small tree house was on and sighed in happiness. I found my new getaway. I opened the door and plopped myself on the edge of small mattress that was still in the same place. It was dark and I couldn't see anything, but I still knew where it was. I layed down and sighed. "Um" I heard a voice say next to me. I screamed and shot up, grabbing the closest item to me. The person turned on a flash light and pointed it at me. I still couldn't see them, but from the deep husky voice it was a boy. "What are you doing in my tree house?!" I hissed as the flash light blinded me. "This is my tree house" he argued back. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned the flash light on and aimed it at him. My breathe was unsteady when I saw a blonde boy, with a lip piercing. He was wearing a black tan top with a red flannel and black jeans. "Actually, this is my tree house" I said as I sat on the floor, legs crossed. "I've been coming up here for 3 years, haven't seen or heard you once" he smirked. I felt defeated, since he was right. I haven't been up here for 3 years. "I went on vacation" I quickly said, not even thinking about what to say. "3 years vacation? Man I need one of those" he slightly laughed looking down. "Why?" I asked. "I don't even know your name, why would I tell you?" He said, almost rudely. "My names Helena" I spoke quietly. "Do you live here?" He asked. "Not In this tree house but I do live in the house which is on the same property of this tree house" I said sternly. "Yeah I get it, the tree house is in your backyard so it's yours" he sighed standing up, walking over to a small table and collecting his phone and laptop. "Wait you don't have to go" I said. "Why not?" He asked almost angrily like I had taken his favourite thing away from him. "Uh, we can share it?" I suggested, feeling bad for him. He smiled and sat back down. "I could tell you weren't a bitch" he smiled, showing a dimple. "I can be a bitch" I lied. I never really had the chance to be a bitch to anyone so I couldn't tell how to. I was always nice to my mum, and nice to my teachers. I didn't really have friends so there was no one to be nice to. "You're Connor Franta's sister, there's no way you can be a bitch" he laughed. "I'm his step sister" I spat. "Wow I'm so confused, you went on a 3 year vacation and then came back to a step?" He asked. "How do you know I only just came back to a step?" I asked. "Well, Connor has only lived here for a year. I've lived here for five and you've lived here long enough to take a 3 year vacation" he said, looking around the room like he was debating something. We still had our flashlights on each other. "I didn't go on vacation!" I almost yelled, annoyed with the fact that he almost sounded like he knew me. He was a bit startled. "Sorry, I think I'm just going to go to bed. It's been a long day." I sighed. He nodded sympathetically and mumbled a goodnight. I woke up the next morning from all the yelling I could hear. It wasn't in my house though. I squinted my eyes and walked over to my window. I pulled a small bit of my curtain away from my face so I could see what the commotion was about. I looked Into the house that was next to mine, a fence separating the two. I looked though there window and My heart beat sped up as I saw the blonde boy from last night, yelling at a woman who I assumed was his mum. She was yelling back at him. He grabbed a glass vase and threw it at a wall, which caused me to jump back away from the window. I fixed myself up and headed downstairs. It was quite, the only noise being the TV. I walked into the lounge room and saw Connor, eating some cereal on the couch, watching the news. "Hey" I mumbled as I sat on a recliner. "Hey" he smiled back with a mouthful of cereal. "What's up with that kid next door?" I asked. "Who Luke?" He asked back. "Blonde? Lip piercing?" I smiled. "Yeah, that Luke Hemmings" Connor swollowed. "What's up with him?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "He's an ass hole. Keeps to himself, but watch, once school starts again, all the ladies will fonder over him." Connor said. "Oh" was all I managed to say. "Why?" He asked. "Well last night, I went up to my tree house and he was in it" I twirled my thumbs. Connor laughed. "What's funny?" I asked. "Sorry to say, but that tree house is no longer yours. He's so possessive over it. Who knows why. Once I went to go up there because mum was mad at me for skipping swim practice and I opened the door and screamed like a girl when I saw him flogging off in there." Connor said laughing even harder. "Ew" I laughed throwing a cushion at him. I could totally hold this story against Luke

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