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"Eden..." A voice cooed in my ear. I didn't acknowledge it as I shoved a hand under my pillow and rolled onto my stomach.

"Eden!" The voice impatiently called in a voice much louder than before.

"What..." I replied lazily as I rolled over to see my younger sister peering at me with a pouty face.

"You said you would play dolls with me today!" She pouted as she recited my promise from yesterday. I inwardly groaned as I recalled my pinky promise I made.

"Lainy...two more minutes..." I huffed as I cuddled back up to my pillow. Slowly I felt myself fall back until I heard another voice.

"Eden! Get up and play with your sister! It's already 11:00 as it is! No more sleeping in, school is tomorrow and you won't want to get up." My mothers voice rang from outside my room.

I made somewhat of an inhuman sound as I sat up and stretched and popped my back in the process. "Give me a minute to go clean up a bit." I sleepily said to Lainy and patted her head as I passed.

In the bathroom, I locked the door in fear of Lainy bothering me anymore and asking me questions. Looking in the mirror, I rubbed my face and sighed. Quickly, I brushed my teeth in light circles and spit the foamy, green paste from my mouth.

Looking in the mirror, I took a moment to gaze over my appearance. My light, blonde hair sat below my shoulder blades in messy waves. The random lighter pieces so pale they seemed to glint in the light. I used a clip to pin the top layer of my hair. It's my usual style just because it's easy and keeps my hair out of my face. My pale, blue eyes stared back at me as I admired the faint sleep circles under my eyes. I slept better than I thought. My overall pale skin was accompanied by a few small freckles dusting over my nose, adding a nice contrast to my skin. In general, my appearance was really light and pale looking, but I didn't mind it one bit. Quickly, I applied some mascara and exited the bathroom.

"Finally! Can we play now!" Lainy squealed as I walked into my room.

"Yah I guess..lets go." I huffed and let her drag me out of my room into hers.

Three Hours Later

Two excruciating hours. That's how long I played dolls with Lainy and now I'm just laying in bed reading a book. The book wasn't too bad but books about zombies weren't my forte. I grew bored quickly and put the book down on my nightstand to mindlessly walk around my room. Bored, I made my way downstairs to see what my parents were up to since I couldn't keep myself entertained. My mother was sitting on the couch watching what looked like reruns of The Office and my dad was in the kitchen making some sort of concoction.

"Eden! Hey! Want to try this new smoothie I made?" My dad asked as he excitedly poured a glass. The thick rosy coloured slush poured into the clear cup while my dad hummed.

"Do I want to know what that is made of?" I questioned, walking over to the edge of the counter.

"Strawberries, bananas, and cinnamon with sugar." He added confidently.

"Not to be mean Dad...but that sounds gross. You were doing a good job with the fruits, but you lost me at cinnamon." I stuck my tongue out and squinted my eyes in disgust.

"Whatever floats your boat kiddo." He responded rather happily.

I inspected the smoothie as my dad walked away to sit by my mother on the couch. Just the thought of all the crazy things he makes, makes me shake my head. My bare feet made a slight patter sound as I made my way to the refrigerator in the corner. Opening the door with a pop, I grabbed the nearest sparkling water and slammed the door shut again. As I turned around, my mom and dad both had their full attention at the television when I leaned over the counter.

"" I faintly heard my mother gasp as she leaned forward in her seat.

"What is it-" I was cut off when loud sirens shook the house with their high pitched squealing. Lainy ran downstairs holding her little hands over her ears as she cried out to my mom. She quickly picked her up and ushered us all upstairs. "Mom, what's going on?"

"Just quickly pack a bag with any necessities you need. Don't over pack. Just a few shirts and pants along with your toothbrush." She panicked a bit as she told me what to do. I knew better than to argue or question my mother so I did as she said and only packed a few needed things. When I left my room everyone was already gathered in the hallway. "Okay, okay, let's go." My mother said looking frazzled and out of breath.

"Whats happening, Mom?" I asked starting to get really worried. As quick as I asked, there was a scream from outside. Mom and Dad pushed us down the stairs and towards the garage. I managed to grab the keys and start the car. My mother turned around when she heard crying and rushed over to the doorway where Lainy was breaking down. While my mother handled her I opened the garage door and opened the back of the car. Shoving all the bags in the back I heard my mom trying to calm my sister down.

"Shhh, sweety it's ok. Calm down, I'm right here." My mother cooed while rubbing my sisters hair. At the same time, I heard a scream and a cry for help a few houses down. My instinct led me outside to the end of the driveway to find where the voice came from. In the distance, there was a figure crouched down in the street. If I didn't know any better I would think it was a woman crying on her knees.

"Hello?! Ma'am? Are you ok?" I yelled out to the woman as she slowly stood up. Only, if wasn't a normal stance. Her posture was crooked and one of her feet were folded under her. Her fingertips twitched as she turned to face me. Her eyes...they were something from a nightmare as the yellow orbs stared back into my blue ones. An inhuman noise came from her throat as I noticed the hole in her cheek. Through the hole I could see her blood soaked teeth and the snarl she showed. As I turned to run back into the garage there was a scream from Lainy. Backed into a corner my parents and sister were surrounded by two people who looked as grim and bloody as the woman in the street. My dad swung with a baseball bat he found as one reached out for his arm. My mother saw me with tears in her eyes and the desperation in her voice chilled me to my bones.

"Eden! Run now!" She screamed at me. Quickly I looked over at the woman in the street who had quickly started making her way towards me. My eyes were stinging and my cheeks were wet with tears. "Eden! Go!" She yelled at me again.

Before the woman could reach me I bolted to the treeline across from my house. I ran a bit and hid behind a tree. Quickly, I dropped to a sitting position and pulled my knees to my chest while sobbing into my hand. I rocked back and forth as screams continued to echo from the neighborhood behind me. Children and families trying to fight off the evil running the streets. I cried knowing I left my family and crying even harder thinking whether or not they survived. I cried so hard my eyes stung and my lungs ached as I hiccuped. My throat burned as I heaved anything that was in my stomach. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes before my world went completely numb.

Human Monsters | Noah Centineo [1]Where stories live. Discover now