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Olivia's POV
It's the period before lunch and I'm so hungry. I've only eaten a granola bar and drank half of a smoothie and iced coffee. The bell finally rings and I walk out of my classroom. I see Damien, the guy I met in biology. He seemed alone. He was walking towards lunch and looked around for someone to talk to in the hallways. I walked after him.
"Hey Damien, wait up." I say to him. He turns to me with relief.
"Oh Olivia, hey! Sorry, I'm new this year and I haven't really made any friends yet. Can I sit with you?" He asks shyly.
"Of course! And hey, you at least made one friend today." We both smile and head into the cafeteria. Damien follows me as I find the squad. I see Courtney stand up to get napkins so I head towards the table she was sitting at. Damien followed. They were all talking but when I walked up they stopped.
I looked at them suspiciously and said, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, just talking about Shayne's crush." Mari replied.
"You have a crush?! How come you never told me?" I asked confused. I look at Shayne and he's not looking at me.
"She's lying. I don't have a crush." He says trying to change the subject.
"Mhmmm whatever." I say. "Well everyone, this is Damien." I point to him while he's standing to my right. They all wave and he sits down next to me while I sit next to Shayne. Damien immediately starts cracking jokes with Shayne and they seem to get along really well. I roll my eyes because it seems like there was another Shayne sitting next to me. Except, Shayne was different than all my other guy friends. He was always so polite, but he knew how to make me laugh. We were so close in middle school but in freshman year, he didn't talk to me as much. It felt different. I don't know, it was probably just nothing. Ding. I check my phone and one of my friends that I met in english asked me to help her film a video for her digital production class. I totally forgot.
"Oh shit. Gotta go, I'll see you guys after school. Courtney's tonight right?" We always go to someone's house after school at least once a week. We don't usually have a lot of classes together so we need to set a time to meet up. They all nod.
"Yup. It's at Courtney's. I'll see you later Olivia." Shayne says awkwardly.
"Uh okay." I laugh and walk towards the exit. I turn around and see Shayne burying his face in his hands and the table laughing. That's weird. Oh well. I start skipping to the computer lab.

Shayne's POV
"Yup. It's at Courtney's. I'll see you later Olivia." Why did I say that?
"Uh okay." Olivia laughed and walked away. I bury my head in my hands the table laughs at me.
"Oh my god Shayne. Could you be any more obvious?" Boze laughs.
"Wait am I missing something?" Damien asked everyone.
"Shayne has liked Olivia since eighth grade." Courtney says as she sits down.
"Big time"
"Huge crush"
"Like in love"
"Okay I think he gets it!" I cut them off.
"Ohhh, no wonder you were making googly eyes at her this whole time. Dude your eyes were about to fall out of your head." Damien jokes.
"Oh shut up." I say while slapping Damien's arm.
"Hey Damien, wanna come over to my place after school? We're all going." Courtney asks Damien.
"Uh, yeah sure." Damien smiled. The bell rings and we all say goodbye and start heading to our next class.

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