First Time Taking A Cold Bath

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Okay. It sucks. I sat there while it was filling up and as it got higher, I got colder. I stopped the water and I had goosebumps all over my legs and arms and everywhere else. I was freezing to death. I had the water as cold as it could POSSIBLY be. I was in there for like a full freaking hour. I thought I was dying. But of course at that time I had the mind set "It'll make you skinny" I was blind clearly. My right leg soon started to go numb along with my right foot and my right everything. Then my whole left side started to go really numb. At that point I felt sorta scared like "OMG what if it froze my legs?" And stuff like that. I felt like I was sitting in straight ICE not water. But the solid form of water ICE. It was horrible. Then I tried to stand up and I couldn't because my legs were numb and limp. Then I finally got up and my legs snapped and I practically had to throw myself out of the tub. Anything for skinny right? No. Not "anything for skinny." It's not right. Did any of that experience sound fun to you? Well if it sounded fun, it wasn't. And I experienced this every. Single. Day. Fun right? No. Horrid Much. It's so wrong and terrible.

Anorexia/self harm. I'm screwed and you are too.Where stories live. Discover now