Chapter 4

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I drove up to the motel parking lot. The adrenaline from the kill still wasn't out of my system and my hands were still shaking. Sam and Samantha were waiting outside of the room, like they had just caught me trying to sneak back in after a night out on the town. I got out of the car and I knew I was about to hear it from Sam.

"You owe us an explanation about what Gabe was talking about." Sam said. He had his bitch face on, that was all too familiar to me. "C'mon Sammy, not right now. I'm not in the mood. I'm gonna go check out, you're gonna grab the bags from the room, and we're going back to the bunker. Deanna and I will explain everything there. Got it?" I said. I gave him my own bitch face and walked past him.

I walked into the office. A young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes smiled at me behind the desk. She couldn't have been more than 19. Not to be a bit of a pedo, but she was pretty attractive. "Checking out, sir?" she said.

"Yes, please." I said. After everything was squared away, I walked back outside to the Impala. Everyone was already crammed into the car, including Cas. I had just noticed he was even here. I got into the driver's side and started the engine.

I could see Sam looking at me in the corner of my eye. "What?" I didn't even bother looking at him. "I thought we agreed not to lie to each other anymore, Dean." he said. I thought back to when we said we wouldn't. That seemed like forever ago now. I pushed it out of my head, "Yeah... well, when have we ever went through on our agreements?" Sam rolled his eyes and looked out the window. I drove off and knew this was gonna be an awkward drive.

I put on some Lynard Skynard to lighten the mood. No one was talking and the 16 hours ahead were going to be torture, maybe even worse than Hell. After a few hours, I stopped for some gas and some snacks. No one still had said a word and I was tempted to tell them right then just to spark some conversation. At around 4am Sam and Samantha fell asleep, which took away some of the tension. 

Thankfully, they slept the rest of the way. I pulled into the garage of the bunker and parked the car. "Ron... Hermione, wake up. We're here." I said with a smirk. They slowly got up and got out of the car, followed by Cas and Deanna. Sam looked at me, expecting me to tell him then and there. "You got the bags, right? I'm starving." I said. I walked into the bunker with Deanna on my heel. "We can't avoid them forever." she whispered in my ear. I shook away the thought and walked into the kitchen. I felt like a bacon cheeseburger and I knew Deanna felt the same. We didn't have to eat, but it made us feel more human. 

I turned on the stove and got everything set up. I got the buns out and was about to lay them out when good 'ole Sammy had to come and make me drop them. "Dude, what the hell? Those were the last buns we had. Now I'm not gonna have any buns." I said with the best puppy dogs I could do. Sam didn't buy it. Bitch face equipped, he said "Cut the crap, Dean. No putting it off anymore. Tell me what the hell is going on with you." I looked at Deanna, who was pulling Samantha into another room to tell her. I let out with a sigh, "You're not gonna like it. I sure as hell don't."

"Dean, you're my brother. I can take it. Now tell me." he said. I looked down at the ground. This is the moment I wanted to avoid at all costs. I looked back up at my baby bro, my eyes black as the Impala. "That's just it Sammy, I don't know how much of me is left." His reaction was just as expected. He took a few steps back from shock and fear. "You- you're not Dean!" 

I was scared of what Sam was going to do, just when I heard, "Well, I see I came at a bad time. I'll just come another time then." Crowley said. Sam and I glared at him. He sucked at timing. He turned like he was going to leave when Sam yelled, "Crowley! Get this demon out of Dean, now!" Sam looked back at me with pure hatred in his eyes. I flipped my eyes back to normal. It's the worst thing that he could do. I felt a tear run down my face and wiped it off immediately. 

"No can do, Moose. Believe it or not, that is your brother." Crowley said. He had a smile on his face, like this was amusing to him. If the roles were reversed, I'd probably find it amusing myself. Sam looked at Crowley, then back at me. I smiled at him the best I could to convince him it was me. "No, that's not gonna do." he said. 

He reached on top of a cabinet, that I couldn't have reached. I really hated how damn tall he was sometimes. He came back with a pair of demon handcuffs from the dungeon. He pulled Crowley next to me and put the cuffs on us. "Oh c'mon dude. Really?" I said. I rolled my eyes and tried to get them off, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to. Of course Crowley had to chip in. "Squirrel is right Moose. This is a tad dramatic, no?" he said. 

God, I hated it when he called me squirrel. I rolled my eyes and made sure he could see it. Then, Cas walked in just in time. "Sam, what are you doing?" Sam looked at him then back at us. "You knew Cas, you knew that wasn't Dean!" He pointed at me angrily. Last time I saw him like this, he didn't have a soul. "Sam, that is Dean." Cas said. I gave him another reassuring smile that I'm sure he's seen a million times. 

"That's not possible." he looks at Crowley, "How is that possible?" I looked at Crowley too. He had told me the story already but it wouldn't hurt to hear it again. Crowley sighed, "Cain tried to take his own life with the Blade before. The mark wouldn't let him go, though. The combination of the mark and the First Blade brought him back as a demon, a very powerful one at that. It was just a bedtime story to demons though. No one thought it was true, until I tried it with Dean." I thought Sam was pissed before but now, "You're telling me, that this is your fault?" I thought Sam was going to kill him right there. Crowley just shrugged.

I had to attempt to defuse the situation the best I could. "Can you let me out now, please?" Sam looked at me and left the room. Leaving me chained to Crowley. Believe it or not, that went better than I thought it would. Cas walked over and unlocked my handcuff. "Thanks, Cas." I walked a couple steps out of the kitchen and thought about what had just happened. I could hear Crowley and Cas still in the kitchen. 

I could hear Cas start to walk out when I heard, "Oh Castiel, woo hoo. Forget something?" from Crowley. I could tell Cas stopped in his footsteps. "Yes, I did." From what I could tell, Cas turned around and punched the shit out of Crowley's nose. That made me smile. "Ow, that actually hurt Cassie. Bollocks, I just had this suit tailored." Cas walked out of the room, our eyes met, and I silently thanked him. He nodded in acceptance and walked off. 

I ran into the library to see if I could find Sam cooling off, but instead I found Deanna with a scotch in her hand. I poured myself a drink and sat across from her. We sat there for hours not saying anything and thinking, until I broke the silence. "So, how'd it go with you?" I said. She looked at me like I was a dumb ass. "How do you think it went? She told me she wanted nothing to do with me and ran off." She drank the rest of her scotch and stands up, putting her jacket on. "I'm gonna go to a bar, and maybe drink it. You coming?" I shook my head and took a sip of my scotch. I needed to think and couldn't do it at a bar, not now. Looks like we weren't completely the same person after all. 

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