Chapter 20

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I let out a sigh as I poured myself another whiskey. Sam and I had been looking for a week and we had come up with jack-squat. After I screwed the cap back on the bottle, I resumed my agonizing search through the Men of Letters' many craptastic books. I had just got finished reading about the procreation of hybrids between shifters and rugarus. I was on the verge of saving the angel dicks some trouble and just stabbing myself in the face. At least I wouldn't be having to do research in Purgatory.

"Ya got anything?" Sam said as she entered the library. I smiled and held up the book to show her the title, "The Study into the Menstrual Cycle of Female Monsters: Volume One. Oh, yeah, I've got plenty. Just nothing that's friggin useful. I know I sound like a broken record here, but you'd think these nerds would actually write something useful. Like how to forcibly summon a demon, for instance. I swear, if I have to look at another illustration of how monsters have sex, I'm gonna kill myself." Sam gave me her 'are you serious' look, followed by a smirk at the fact she knew I wasn't exaggerating.

She held up the cell phone she had her hand, "Well, while you've been learning about monster science, I actually found us a lead." I smiled and got up, relieved I wouldn't have to read another word. "Yeah, and?" She laughed and looked back at the phone, "You're not gonna believe this, but I just got off the phone with Greg Welsh. You remember him? He babysat us for, like, a month while Bobby and Dad were on some big case in Tallahassee." I furrowed my brow and nodded my head, thinking back to when I was about 14.

"Okay? What the hell's that got to do with anything?" I asked in confusion. I hadn't seen him in over eleven years and to bring back old memories wasn't the best experience for a hunter. Sam gestured her hands in a way that said it was supposed to be obvious. I raised my brow, still not getting the big picture. "The day after you had your little visit to Heaven, I gave him a call. He still owed you one from that djinn case you helped him out on a while back. I convinced him to keep his eyes open, and he found something. Get this, Crowley's in Colorado Springs. Greg spotted him on a surveillance camera he was monitoring for another hunter."

I shook my head and laughed, "You've got to be kidding. What, isn't that only a six hour drive from here? It's almost like he wants to be found." Sam frowned and furrowed her brow. "Yeah, it does seem like that."

"What?" I asked hesitantly. She looked back at me and shook her head. "Nothing." she muttered before she walked back towards her room. "That's fine. Yeah, I just asked cause I didn't want to know." She glared back at me before disappearing down the hallway. I rolled my eyes and glanced over at my phone laying beside my whiskey. "Oh what the hell. What's calling one more time?" I asked myself as I swiped it off the table. I hit 4 on speed dial and waited as it kept ringing. I was just about to hang up when I heard, "Hello, darling. How's things?" 

I  stood in shock for a few seconds at the fact he actually picked up. "How's things? How's- are you friggin' kidding me? I've been trying to call you for a week! Where the hell have you been?" I asked. My anger was rising every passing second. I could hear music and pool balls colliding with each other in the background. "Are you in a bar?" A long sigh followed my question. "Oh little fish, what do you expect me to do in this bore of a town? Go to the odd amount of museums that's in this town? I'll pass. I see you've finally figured out where I was. What took you so long? It was becoming to be a bother to stay in this dull town."

"You're telling me that Sam and I have been knees deep in research trying to find your sorry ass while you've been on a bender?" I grabbed my whiskey and downed it immediately. Maybe if I got drunk enough I wouldn't kill him the next time I saw him. The chuckle that came over the line only made me angrier. I could feel the Mark begging for a kill, and you bet your ass I was prepared to give it what it wanted. "I didn't want to be too obvious. She could catch on. That, I do not want." he explained.

"Who's she?" I asked. I already knew the answer but I really didn't want to believe it. "Okay, Squirrelette, you were right. She's a nightmare. All she wants to do is party and throw massacres. I can't run Hell if I'm off running around with your evil clone. We've got to do something. You and me working together again. It'll be like old times." 

I laughed while I poured myself another drink. The situation was more satisfying than it probably should have been. "The King of Hell asking the help of little 'ole me? So we just gonna join hands, kill the Emperor, and rule the galaxy together?" I could practically hear Crowley rolling his eyes. I smiled and took a satisfying sip from my drink. "Look, Winchester, when I made this deal with the me from the other universe where you're a brooding six foot tall brute, I thought that it sounded dandy. I'm beginning to regret that de- she's coming back. Just get here. And bring the Blade!"  The call ended and all I could hear was the dial tone. I scoffed and threw my phone back down on the table. "Sam! Get your crap! We're goin' to Colorado Springs!"

I walked into my room and grabbed my duffel from under my bed. I grabbed the usual clothes for road trips and stuffed them into my bag. I turned and glared at the Blade sitting on my bedside table. I sighed while I walked towards it. When I wrapped my fingers around the handle I could feel the pure power it filled me with.

I could feel myself slipping into it's grasp. My hands began to shake and my body grew tense. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. "Hey, you almost ready?" I looked up to see Sammi standing at my door. I shook myself out of it and threw the Blade into the duffel. I cleared my throat, "Yeah, give me a sec." Sam looked at me with a flash of worry on her face. She nodded and walked off. "I'll be in the car." I heard her yell back.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could tell this was gonna be a long trip. Once everything was worked out with the angels, all I had to do was work out a way to get the Mark off my arm. Couldn't be too hard, right? Right, because everything in my life was just rainbows and daisies.

I opened my eyes and grabbed my bag. As I walked to the car, I couldn't help but think about what would be so bad about the angels just killing me. It'd make everyone's life so much damn easier if I wasn't in it. Sammi could find a good guy. Maybe start a family. I'd be in the one place where I was at peace, Purgatory. What was so bad about that?

I opened the car door and got in. I looked at Sammi and she looked at me. As I put the key into the ignition, I couldn't help but smile. Sam would never let me die in peace, just like I wouldn't with her.



Hey guys! I know I promised a long chapter, but this was such a good ending point that I couldn't resist. So to make up for it, I published two chapters! I hope you like them. The story is wrapping up nicely, I think, so I should only have a few more chapters after these. Thank you so much for sticking with the story as long as you have! I never expected it to be as successful as it is. I love ya! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.


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