Chapter 2:

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Mikan, being Mikan, was now pouting at Hotaru as she tied her hair into her trademark pigtails as they leave the shabby place she calls house. She now has Baka gun marks on the back of her head and although that seems to always be her daily dose of medicine, she couldn't stop complaining. Scratch that. She wouldn't stop complaining.

But as always she only complains the moment they are far away from her house, the moment they step foot on the concrete street, she would open her mouth and spill everything she was holding back. And as always, Hotaru would do nothing but glance at her once, but in that single glance, Mikan would be reassured.

But of course, the serenity between these two never lasts. When they are in Hotaru's car and driving towards their work, Hotaru would be completely oblivious of the other girl's moaning and whimpering. Then again, another normal day for the two of them.

As, they reach their destination, Mikan can't help but ask the same question over again.

"Ne, Hotaru? Why do you have to go early to work when you are the manager?"

And as always, Hotaru would hit her in the head with the Baka gun before answering,

"So that lazy workers like you do not abuse my superior kindness. Which reminds me, why do I even let you work in my restaurant at all?"


"You had graduated college with honors and has the license to teach. Annoy them, not me."

"HOTARU! You know I am not as evil as you to leave my best friend behind! Besides, I like working as your waitress."

And as the bickering goes on, mostly with Mikan doing all the talking and Hotaru staying silent, they reach Hotaru's restaurant: Crabs L'amour. Only one girl can ever think of that name for a restaurant.

Mikan would always gawk at the restaurant as if she had never seen it before, and look at her friend in awe. Hotaru would always know what the idiot is thinking then.


And when the look turns into something similar to awestruck, Hotaru would also know that her thoughts changed direction, like this:

'Ah, look at her hair, like a black waterfall falling down her shoulders. And that smooth ivory skin, complementing her bottomless violet eyes perfectly. Then again, everything about her is perfect. I am so lucky to be her best friend.'

Just like that, Mikan would be thrown out of the car and Hotaru would always leave her at the employees' parking lot, while she drove away, hiding the slight smile that would always grace her elegant face whenever she 'reads' Mikan's mind.

Now, Mikan, for a short while would whimper and mewl like a kitten, but would always jump up and then cheerfully bound towards the door to change into her waitress' clothes. Talk about mood swings. But since Mikan had decided to always smile, she would do this every single day and never get tired. Ain't she amazing?

As she enters her workplace as usual, her co-workers would surround her and she would be bombarded with questions, sometimes advices, and most of all, gossip. She would always ignore the gossip part though. Hotaru always looks at her disgustedly when she spouts nonsense of gossip. And so, to preserve their wonderful? Friendship, she vowed to never again listen to gossip. Boy, can she space out.

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Mikan, did you sleep well?"

"Morning, better hurry up Mikan, you are later than usual."

"Ne Mikan, do you know who is coming?!"

"It's HIM!"

"Kyaaa! I don't care what I have to do. Get fired or whatever, I will be able to catch his attention!"

Through this all, Mikan would always politely nod while focusing on getting into her work clothes. Hotaru, being Hotaru, designed the dress herself.

It was black, knee length, long-sleeved and high-necked. Form-fitting, accompanied by white ankle socks and simple black shoes. Topped off with a white apron shaped like a crab, with the claws acting as the belt to keep the apron in place, it is considered simple by most of the customers at first glance.

But as time passes on, one would notice a strange shimmering in it as the waitresses walk by, as if they were constantly followed by a soft spotlight, expertly showing off the girls' best features and curves.

And Mikan being Mikan, do not notice this effect at all, only very happy that she gets to wear something designed by Hotaru, her beloved best friend. As she finally finishes up changing, talking non-stop about minor issues like how cute a cat she saw this morning is, she would always give a cheerful 'thank you' to whoever made her meet Hotaru.

As for her, she was very contented in her life and is very confident that nothing can ever be better.

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