Chapter 4: Wave One

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  "Nice to meet you, children," said a young, energetic man, shaking Ray's hand. Jane looked around mindlessly. The massive room was completely covered in white shiny tiles, even the walls and ceiling. The only light source was provided by multiple holes in the ceiling, but it was sufficient. Ray liked the man, and had a strong feeling he'd be spending a lot of hours with this lively "outgrown teenager" as he would call him.

  Director Quick interrupted all their thoughts. "This is Robert Wilson, but call him Coach Rob. He'll teach you the basics to fighting." The man nodded in agreement. "I'll leave you all to play for the rest of the afternoon." And with that, Quick left. Rob breathed a sigh of nervousness. "So, tell me all your names...or at least how to call you." Feeling left out, Sam took the lead. "I am Sam, this is Ray," he pointed to his friend beside him, who was shocked at his sudden change in attitude. "And this is Jane." The only female in the group concentrated on the man.  

  As she stared at him, she realized how good looking he was. Wavy hair, blue eyes, and muscular but perfect body. She was falling for him! Ray and Sam both knew what was happening, as Rob also stared at her. Suddenly, a loud sound echoed through the empty room, breaking the eye contact Jane wished to prolong. It was the alarms. As golden-armored guards rushed in, as well as Director Quick, the sound turned into a full panic explosion in the hallway.

   "What's happening?" Jane asked, but it seemed like a shout to Ray, who thought his semi-sensitive ears were going to bleed from the blaring sound. Quick ran to the group. "First floor hangar. Five fighter jets approaching directly at us."

   Though Quick was looking at her, it seemed that he was mostly talking to Rob. "Yes, Sir," Rob acknowledged, jogging towards the door. Quick turned back to the three confused teens. "Stay here and don't do anything. You understand?" They nodded their heads, all thinking the same things...was this their end? 

  The doors shut and the alarms subsided until all there was left was three frightened teenagers and an empty white room. Sam sat down, making an unnecessary sound of ease and comfort and said, "Hey, guys, imagine how crazy we'll sound when we retell this insane story to our parents!" His excitement and endeavor to cheer up the trio's spirit was quickly washed away with the despair and shock that they knew would forever be a part of their lives. The possibility that they may never see their family or the earth ever again. Everyone was silent.

No one dared to even try to interrupt their thoughts and feelings towards this madness. They never really had a chance to just take in all the information and insanity the day had provided. But Ray decided, after about half and hour, that he needed to do something before everyone collapsed into eternal sadness. "Hey, Sam, when we get back home, I bet I'll beat you three times in a row!" Ray said, trying to be optimistic as possible. It seemed to work, because Sam gave him a smirk. "Let's see about that."

  *Director Quick's POV*

  Quick and Rob increased their walking speed as they left the teenagers. They were escorted by two guards in case of emergency on each side. Through the messed up "maze" of the watchtower, Quick and Rob gripped their guns firmly, ready to point it at someone, or something. They reached the door separating the possible attackers and the rest of the base. Just when Quick was about to pass the finger-scan, a loud explosion made everyone's heart jump, as the guards reached for their blue swords. The thin energy surrounding the sharp blade glowed as the lights failed. 

Rushing to help the group of four, two more agents arrived at the scene. "We got your call, Director, this is Agent Micah." It was Agent Terah, putting her hand on the younger agent's shoulder. Quick nodded. "Good to have you. Something inside there just blew up, and I'm pretty sure it was one of our jets."

  As everyone braced themselves for what might happen, they all secured into a defensive position, which basically means everyone pointed their guns and swords towards the metal door. It slid open, and a sudden outburst of fire answered the door. Agent Terah objected by throwing a small silver disc, which exploded in the fire. But like a miniature fire extinguisher, the fire was put out, thanks to the agent's quick reflexes. "Why don't you have one, Quick?" Terah asked mockingly, "Aren't you the leader, who should always be prepared with such gadgets?"

  "There's a reason why I'm called a director, and you're an agent. There's a difference in job and accessories for us, Agent," Quick protested. A Terah gave a weak, sarcastic smile. She knew that. She was just joking. 

   Once the smoke was cleared out, the picture could now be made clear. Destruction. That was the only word any of them could have thought at that time, upon entering the hangar bay. On the left were three damaged jets, all tilted on their wings as sparks of fire escaped them. The right side was a clear mirror. To the others, it was just a destructive assault, but to Quick, it was just the beginning. In the middle, smoke still remained persistent. But as Quick stared at it longer, he could make out figures emerging out from it.

  Soon, all of them could see, opposite of where they were standing and staring at, fifteen bodies walk out of the shadows. One, presumably the leader, was in front, and the rest followed behind their leader in a V formation. As the approaching army grew closer, their attire was visible, but not recognizable. Soon, the invaders were about only sixty meters away from the defending team when they stopped.

   All wore black torsos, but the leader wore a dark blue one. Their grey pants had stripes of blue. Agent Micah was disgusted by the informal match of colors, since she worked as a fashion designer before becoming an agent in space. They all held guns, but not like anything anyone has ever seen. The guns were silver on the outside, but in the middle, a blue electric battery was visible, charging and giving potential energy to to the gun. Suddenly, nine more men came to aid Director Quick in battle. One arrived first and said, "Sir, we are Special Forces 1. Please stand behind us. We came as fast as we could."

   As SF1 moved to attack position, the invaders aimed their guns. Now in equal number, the defending team also raised their weapons. The invaders' gun charged loudly with energy flowing through the high-tech weapon, the defenders also held their guns steadily, each bullet ready to kill a target. No one making gestures, and with no warning whatsoever, both sides, at the exact moment, pulled the triggers.


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