Chapter 23: Impossible

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Ray moved in front of everyone and reached out his hand, sending a small but concentrated blast of heat. The deadly weapon curved, having been knocked out of its momentum, and slammed into the metal flooring a few feet away from Ray. He stepped away slowly. "That must be really fast to still come that close after a strong force of resistance," Jane noticed. Ray nodded, but not taking his eyes off the far wall.

Sam knelt down and examined the blade. Ray wanted in, too, and trusted his team members to stay alert. There was no way to grip or hold the object naturally, which is why it wasn't called a sword. The blade was half-engraved into the metal, stating it was also of the same material, only sharper and harder, leaving them to guess it was silver. "Stay focused," Ray said, hands glowing red, waiting for the moment to blast.

This time, two silver blades left their holes, aiming for Sam and Jane. It flew at amazing speed, but slow enough to be clearly visible. Jane's gust of air clashed with the object's velocity, but it didn't stop completely, barely missing her face. Sam, on the contrary, didn't have far-ranged abilities, stirring up panic within him. Ray grew worried, but to his relief and surprise, Sam did almost the most logical and common thing to do in such situationto dodge. Thought it

was a great risk, he dived low and froze flat on the ground.

Ray watched as the weapon flew past, heading towards the wall behind him. He sighed in relief, only to stand aghast in consternation. The blade swerved sharply, leaving a light dent. It was slowed down, but gradually gathered speed. It still kept its target on Sam, who was in more shock and panic than before. Suddenly, the deadly item was slammed into the ground with strong force so abruptly Ray's eyebrows jumped up. It was Carson, lifting up his energy-surrounding katana with a solemn face. Sam knew his buddy so well, that a simple nod would mean a thank you. They all turned around to face a new wave of lethal weapons.

One after another, the blades kept shooting out, an addition of one to the previous number every time a new wave started. Ray waited for the next wave, presumably ten, to once again offer their chance of a really painful stab...or way worse. He had been so consumed in surviving and beating those blades that the idea of actually escaping the aubsurd Tri-al entered his brain only then. "Team, how about we at least try finding an exit somewhere. I mean, there should be one," he said, talking fast with the expectation of their inanimate enemies firing at any second.

"Right," Jane agreed. "But where should we start searching?"

"I suggest we start by making our way forward, closer to the other wall, since I'm sure it's not on our side. I know it's a tremendous risk, but we have to find a way out of here eventually."

"Yes we do," Sarah coincided. "Though it seems pretty silly hoping we don't die but instead go through some magic portal in the center of this horrific zone or something similar." She laughed, but it died away once she laid eyes on the approaching target.

"It is, and that's exactly what we're going to do," Ray affirmed.

Blade after blade, the Specials knocked them down, simultaneously also having to watch out for fallen blades, upright on the metal flooring. Halfway to the end wall, Ray was almost completely discouraged, beginning to doubt his theory and realizing he would be fully responsible if someone actually got

He quickly turned away from the negative thought, mentally vowing to never let anything happen to his best friends, even if he had to sacrifice himself. Indulging in thoughts and blasting at the same time, he felt a small but unrmistakable shake underneath his feet. Then the blade wall started to sink down below. "Ray!" Jane called. Looking at her, he realized he was slowly rising up! He glanced up to see a rectangular hole in the ceiling, where he guessed he'd be passing through to get to the third floor.

"Up here!" he yelled, excited but worried his teammates wouldn't make it. The rising platform

he was on clearly could fit them all, but the difficult part was that the blades were also being fired at them.

"We're almost there!" Ray exclaimed. "But this lift is really slow." They continued to hold back the attacking blades. Their chins were already above the third floor when an ugly sound caught everyone's attention immediately. Ray felt something odd in his foot, but he couldn't feel it directly. When the platform steadied on the designated floor, and when they all had a moment of silence and relief, Ray found that one of the sharp objects had found its way into his shoe. It had pierced through the edge, but had barely avoided the literal flesh.

He was carefully plucking it out, when the area brightened, and a familiar voice almost shook him to death. "My young students."

It was Rob.

Ray's blood froze, and his thoughts swirled in utter confusion. The sudden said phrase alone and the unmistakable voice that belonged to his teacher, his guide, and his older brother figure was more than enough to give his elderly future-self a heart attack. He threw the blade aside, letting it slide on the coarse ground. After making sure he wasn't hallucinating or just suffering from his never-ending wish to have Rob back, he finally composed himself well enough to turn around. "It's okay, Ray, it's me."

Rob stood there, looking exactly like the man he was when they all last saw him...before he was supposedly killed, of course. Ray was too happy and relieved to see the man he thought was dead, that the question of how and why he was in the temple hadn't crossed his mind. He looked left and right, seeing his friends' speechless faces. But this time, Rob wore dark blue armor, which Ray thought was pretty cool, but the painted yellow circle outline on his chest raised questions. And in the circle was nothing but the color white

"Rob? Is that really you?" he asked, wanting straight confirmation. Robert nodded, as solemn as possible. "How are you still alive?"

The man pointed to the circle, then patted his shoulder, letting everyone hear the metallic sound. Ray knew what he meant. Rob had been burned by him, resulting to the need of armorunless it was also needed for another purpose.... No, he thought. Rob hadn't been turned to a weapon. He couldn't have. He reminded himself it wasn't possible, thought he knew it wasn't impossible either. He needed more evidence.

"Yes, it's really me," Rob said. "And I am living proof that whatever Conquest wants to do, it will be done. They helped me, healed me, and gave me a deeper purpose, actions PROTECT don't have the ability to do." Ray took a few steps back. The worst had been affirmed, and he desired to be far away as possible. Conquest had taken over Rob, and he didn't know who was to be blamed.

"But you," Rob said, eyes flaming with anger towards Ray. "You could have saved me, but instead you were too weak to save me from yourself!" He started walking slowly towards the boy, every step intimidating. "You did this to me! And as if you didn't feel sorry enough, you just left me there!!!"

Ray's head hurt. The guilt coming back to him, to haunt him again, but this time from the man he hoped and imagined smiling beside him, proud of them. It was too much for him, especially at that moment, right after he barely escaped two life-threatening situations. He would open his mouth to speak, but close it immediately. He didn't know what to say, how to respond.

"It's all your fault!!!"

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