Chapter 1: Red Lightning

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It was a dark, cloudy day in New York City. Ray Pierce was just about to insert the game disc into the console when the apartment's doorbell rang. Ray rushed to the door and opened it. "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Ray!" His best friends said in unison, proudly presenting their wrapped gifts. Sam Rook and Jane White were Ray's two best friends and classmates during school. They were both eighteen, while Ray enjoyed his first day being nineteen. He was the oldest, with Sam being one month younger, and Jane a month younger than Sam.

"Thanks, Guys," Ray replied, and gladly accepted his gifts. They all gathered around the rug on the floor. Ray tried his best to ferociously rip the paper. Despite his sounds of stress and rage, he ended up silently cutting it open, noticing how tightly wrapped it was. Sam had given him the new Super Smash Bros. for the WiiU. Ray guessed they would be playing that instead. Sam came from a wealthier family, but he still valued friendship better. Jane had bought a wooden, framed picture of the three of them all goofing around the park.

  It was about one in the afternoon and Ray had just beaten Jane. Since he only had two controllers, one had to be left out until the others were done. Ray looked out the window as the view just got blurrier and foggier as rain and fog started to spread.

   Suddenly, when Ray was just about to turn away from the cloudy sight, a loud, ear-deafening sound thundered. Everyone was in shock as they saw red lightning fill the sky. It seemed like it was charging all its power into one concentration, about to explode into zaps everywhere. In a blink of an eye, the lightning struck the glass window. 

The electricity split into three individual currents and each found its target. The trio screamed and shouted in pain and agony as the electricity surged through their bodies. A minute passed, and they were already on their knees, trying their best to keep themselves together. At last, the red current retreated and reunited into one. It then dashed back to the clouds.

The unstable current left the apartment in ruins. The lights were out, the television was on the ground, leaving the area filled with smoke. Still, remains of the current lay deep in the nerves of the unconscious teenagers, transforming their blood into something truly unique.

 Out of nowhere, three puffs of smoke appeared around the teens. Three bodies stepped out of it. They wore golden armor, complete with a helmet covering also their faces, and a silver, quiver-like pouch where a blue sword rested behind the guards' back. The three pressed a small button above their ears and the the whole helmet just disappeared slowly, each digital-looking particle evaporating into the air until only three determined faces were left.

   Each of them pressed their hands on the teens' back and everyone in the room disappeared into the same smoke as before. Five seconds later, the door bursted and was knocked down by a small squad unit consisting of three semi-armed police officers. "Put your hands up!" Yelled the first one. Not seeing anyone, he held his gun more intensely. "Keep position." 

  "There's no one here, Sir," another one observed. Just then, the game console sparked up into flames. "Get the extinguisher!" The first one ordered. Once the fire was put out, the room was now clearly in ruins, and a man and a woman entered with a horrified look. "Where is my son?" Asked the woman. They were Ray's parents. "I'm sorry, Ma'am," the officer said, "but we don't know or even have a clue to where their whereabouts are."

   "You've gotta start up a search team," Mrs. Pierce said. Despite their efforts in finding the lost teens, little did everyone know that the victims were actually sleeping in a medical ward up in an invisible space satellite station. 

Meanwhile, in the main watchtower of a secret organization in the deep regions of space . . 

  "What do we do with the human creatures?" Asked Doctor Lok, handing a document concerning the health of the three teenagers to Director Quick. "Are you sure the Red Lightning knew what it was doing when it chose these three young children?" His voice sounding intrigued and confused, but still held the authority he was known for.

   "I also am baffled, Sir, but I think we can trust it until we see what they're really made of when the tests are complete," answered the doctor, hoping Quick will agree. "Ah, yes, I guess we shall see." Quick rubbed his bushy beard, still evaluating the options. "What about the other, older humans?" 

  "They have already taken the test, but all failed," the doctor replied, "I must have forgotten to tell you. My apologies." Quick stood up from his desk, closed his laptop, and said, "I will see these younger creatures myself." The two walked out and into the semi-crowded hallway. Dismissing agents with contracts needing signatures, Quick and Lok reached Ward 21. Passing the finger-print scanner, they entered the room, shocked.  

  They were gone!   


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