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[ 1:23 am ]
Piano freak added pretty boy, maki roll, bad hair day, to the group.

Piano freak named the group food lovers

Food lovers

Piano freak: hello my beautiful friends

Maki roll: Hello*

Bad hair day: What is this

Piano freak: this is for gonta birthday! The other groups are making group chats

Pretty boy: oo okay oki

Maki roll: Why can't anyone write right?

Piano freak: BEcauSe WheRe nOt Al L pErfecT lIke yOu

Maki roll: I will stab you.

Bad hair day: with kindness!

Maki roll: Everyone dies.

Bad hair day: from love!

Maki roll: Life is meaningless.

Bad hair day: if you don't have a smile on you're face!

Maki roll: we shouldn't kill our selfs.

Bad hair day: we should kill our selfs!

Bad hair day: ...

Bad hair day: fuck

Maki roll: Fuck.*

Bad hair day: why do I even bother?

Pretty boy: I Stan a beautiful relationship

Piano freak: same baby, same.

Bad hair day: maki roll ur so mean

Maki roll: Grow up. Like when did you find out Santa wasn't real? 12?

Bad hair day: four...

Bad hair day: teen....

Bad hair day: iv never cried so much since the time I wacthed Bugs bunny...

Maki roll: why are you alive?

Pretty boy: oh come on maki, there must of been a time when you believed in Santa?

Maki roll: What? You really think I would believe in some fat man who came into my house and leave trash?

Pretty boy: eh-

Pretty boy: your right,,

Maki roll: you're.*

[ 6:12 pm ]

Children of the gay lord it self

Harry Potter with a sex change: never go shopping with Kokichi. It's terribel

Pretty boy: what did he do now?

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