Chapter 3 It's Tord

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Edd and Matt made it home, Matt instantly heading to bed.

"Matt" Edd said before the ginger could close his door.

"What?" He looked over at Edd.

"It's only noon. I know you need your rest but... it's a little early, don't you think?" Edd tried to get Matt away from his room. Edd then added, "If you sleep now you'll be awake all night"

Matt stood there for a moment and said quietly, but loud enough for Edd to hear, "Get the... thing... I need it, remember?" Matt then went in his room and closed his door behind him.

Edd sighed, he felt bad for Matt. He's been sick for awhile now, and it's been a bit concerning. They didn't even know what made him sick, or why he's sick, or what sickness he even has. It just makes Matt tired and he tends to randomly vomit.
Edd hopes it isn't anything serious.

The brit, Edd, left the house once again and headed to the drugstore. Just keep getting medicine for him, and he'll be okay. That's what he kept thinking to himself. Edd then let his mind wander to other things, like, What was Tord doing in that alleyway? Edd didn't think it mattered but it was better than thinking about Matt.

He was now at the drugstore, Edd took a breath and walked inside.

Tord sat at a bench in the middle of town. He didn't have anything else to do. He had to admit that it was kind of boring not running away from angry cops, but it did feel a tiny bit relaxing. Maybe it was a good thing that no one knew who he was, it was also a good thing changed his hairstyle when he left. But surely someone would recognize him, right?

"Hey, you" Said a passerby, they wore a hood over their head, Tord not being able to see their face.

Tord raised an eyebrow and responded, "What?"

"Are you Zander?" The person asked.

Tord's heart skipped a beat, that was his old name. He changed it to be safe, just in case someone was looking for a Zander. Someone from his old town. He stayed calm, There's a bunch of Zanders... right? "No... I'm not the person you're looking for" He looked off in the distance to keep his cool.

"Are you sure? Because you look a lot like him"

"Y-yup..." Tord's voice stuttered a bit, the person must've noticed.

The person took off their hood, "Well, if you see him, tell him Pau is looking for him"

Tord stood up, realizing who it was. "Pau?"

"So it is you! You almost had me fooled" Pau smiled.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Tord had so many questions to ask his friend, but before Pau could answer any of them, Tord asked another "Where's Pat?"

"He's in the town somewhere, looking for you"

"Why were you guys looking for me? You could've just left and had a new life" Tord was confused, before he started the fire he told Pat and Pau to leave and start a new life without crime. Since they did help Tord, a lot.

"We could've, but we wanted to find you instead" Pau git out his phone, probably going to call Pat.

"Oh, and for future reference, call me Tord" Said Tord, he felt he needed to get that out there before someone random knows the name Zander and just happens to recognize Tord as the Zander. Pau nodded and called Pat, telling him he found the person they were looking for.

While they were waiting for Pat, Pau asked, "What did you do with your hair?"

"I made horns!" Tord answered, quite proud of himself.

"Why horns? That's a weird style choice..." Pau lit a cigarette and started smoking.

"Why not? It's cool"

"If you say so"

Edd walked out of the drugstore with the medicine, feeling down. Just looking at the medicine makes him think of Matt, and how terrible he feels sometimes.

He walked down the road, then something caught his eye. A little blue bird flew into a tree, then sat there. Edd smiled, he loved animals. By the tree he noticed two people, one tall and one much smaller. The tall one wore a dark blue hoodie and the small one wore a black shirt with writing on it. Edd was unable to read what it said, though.

The small one spoke, "Tooooommm! Can we go and get ice cream?"

The other responded, "No, Will. We just had some earlier today"


The taller one, named Tom, sighed "Sorry Will, but no"

There was some more chatter by Edd got out of hearing range. He soon made it home.
He opened the door and said out loud, "I'm home!"

Matt then yelled from his room, "Good!"

"I got the med-" Edd stopped himself. Matt hated that word. "Stuff!" He corrected.

"Hand it over!"

Edd grabbed and medicine and headed toward to Matt.

Sorry for no update in awhile, I had writers block. But here's the new chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now