Chapter 7 Going Back

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The story of Edd and Tord takes a short break as we go back to familiar faces.

"I... I think we should stop the story here..." The demon said, recalling what happens beyond that point.

"Why not?" The demon that sat next to the first asked. "I want to hear more about Green Bird, Tord!"

The first demon was none other than Tord, with Edd. He still doesn't feel like Edd... Tord thought to himself.

"Well..." Tord was disappointed that Edd still hasn't recovered any of his memories. He hoped that Edd would at least recall something. But so far into the story, nothing has rung a bell. Maybe it's because he's been referring Edd as, 'Green Bird' his old nickname when he was an angel. But everyone else's names stayed the same. Not a single name Edd has remembered. "I don't know, it sort of goes down hill from here, Feather Wings"

Tord tried to make a new nickname for Edd, it would've hurt too much to call him Green Bird. Plus he's using that name for his story. He knew it wasn't the best, but it was something. Edd has some left over feathers on his wings, from the transformation, and some still haven't fell off yet. Tord took the opportunity to make a nickname.

"Downhill as in what? Sad?" Before Tord could answer, Edd continued, "Or even scary?" little horns appeared from Edd's hair as he said that. "I'll be able to handle it!"

Tord smirked, "Yeah, right. If it was sad, you'd cry. If it was scary, you'd be scared"

"There's only one way to find out for sure, Tord! Tell the rest of the story!" Edd seemed to really want to hear the rest of it.

"Hah, no... I think that's enough for today" Tord stated, making Edd make a sad face.


Tord sighed, looking away from the other demon sitting next to him. He looked over at the bookshelf, and noticed a familiar book. Angels, Weaknesses and Strengths

Memories... Tord smiled as he thought of when Edd was an angel. His Green Bird. He frowned when he once remembered that it's fault that Green Bird isn't here anymore.
He's sitting right next to me, but he isn't the same. Didn't Green Bird say something about how he remembered who I was? Maybe this is what he felt. Maybe he felt sad that I didn't remember him. Or maybe he was mad about what I did. Probably mad. What would he think of me now? If he was here, he wouldn't even look at me. He would be as mad as Matt is about this whole situation, most likely madder. Tord realized that he started tearing up, he tried to hold it in, but it started flowing out. He quickly whipped the tears off of his face with his dirty red hoodie.

Edd noticed that Tord was oddly silent, "Tord? Are you-"

"I'm heading out, I'll be back" He quickly got up and left the house without making eye contact with Edd.

Edd felt a little hurt by the way Tord said that. A mix between hurt and bitterness. "o-oh... okay..." Why do I have a feeling that Tord hates me now?

Tord flew back to the place he loved the most, his and Green Bird's meet up spot. "Did we ever get to finish our week together, Green Bird?" He sat in the tree he always did. Making the tree quickly look like it's Fall. "Because I've forgotten. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you" He proceeded to lay down. He then added, "The real you"

Tord grabbed something out of his hoodie pocket, a minty green feather. For some reason it stayed the colour Tord grew to love. It still hasn't turned black, no matter how much Tord touches it or for how long. Was the world mocking him? Making him keep one feather and making him remember what he's done. Everyday. He could just get rid of it, but it would hurt too much.

It's the last thing he has left of Green Bird.

"Why do I see you everyday but it doesn't feel like you?" Tord kept looking at the feather, as if the real Edd, the Edd that Tord wants, is in there. "Why is it that THIS feather doesn't turn black? I touched you for one minute, less than that, and your whole afterlife is ruined!" He yelled at the feather, wanting answers, but not getting any. Tears fell off of his face as he kept staring at the feather.

There was soon a voice, "Tord?"

Tord touched toward the voice, quickly getting rid of the tears and sitting up. "Matt" He took a breath and said bitterly, "What are you doing here?" Tord tried to putting up a normal demon act. Just act tough, you did this for five years before Edd, you can do it for five minutes

"I was going to ask you the same question" Matt was hovering in the air, flapping his light purple wings. He wore a grey tank top with dark purple jeans. "I was..." Matt hesitated, "Came to watch the sunset" He looked in the direction of the sun, which was right about to set.

"Why here? Wouldn't the Angel World have a better view?" Tord asked.

Matt glanced at Tord, then at the tree next to Tord's "Mind if I sit?" Tord nodded. Matt floated down. "Well, Edd always liked watching the sunset on the ground. He said that it was prettier with the trees, clouds getting in front of the sun and seeing the world slowly calm down. Because when you're on the cloud, it's a different experience" He slightly smiled, it was clear that Matt enjoyed thinking and talking about Edd. But of course he was still very sad, it made him feel better thinking about the good times.

Tord smiled "That sounds like him..." He looked over to the sun slowly setting down.

"When I was... you know, alive... and nearing the end... we was very..." Matt paused, probably thinking about something.

"Responsible? Caring?" Tord tried to complete the sentence, he looked back at Matt. Matt also looked at Tord.

"Sure, let's go with that" He continued, "Of course he was very sad for a long time, I'm sure you remember that" Tord nodded, he remembered a lot of things. Since Matt jogged his memory a bit. They had this long talk, simular to this one, about what happened when they were alive. "Anyway, I never got to thank you for helping him get over it. I felt so hurt seeing Edd so sad, and there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't just pretend to be human, like what you and Edd did with Tom, there's rules about that. I also didn't know it was a thing. So, for the first and probably only time I'll thank you, thank you Tord" Matt gave a small smile, Tord returned one also.

"You're welcome, Matt"

"But don't go thinking I'm over the other things you've done. That's going to take awhile" Matt turned back to the sun. So did Tord.

"That's fine, I didn't expect you to"

The sun started to set, making the sky go orange and pink. Soon the sky got darker as the sun left. The air got colder as farther away the sun got.

"Has Edd remembered anything yet?" Matt asked with a slight saddened tone in his voice now.

Tord sighed, "No... nothing. I tried telling him about how Gree- I mean- him and I met. When we were alive. But nothing happened. Maybe it's because I didn't mention that it was him I was talking about..." Tord mumbled the last part.

"Wait what?" Matt have a confused look. "What do you mean you didn't mention it was him?"

"I used a different name... I couldn't tell Edd it was actually him! I don't know why, I just couldn't"

Matt was about to say something, but cut himself off "That's- ...fine... I guess it would also be hard for me to tell him something has big as that..." He took a deep breath, "I should go. I need to feed Ringo" Matt got up, and started flapping his wings.

"How is Ringo, anyway?" Tord didn't question that something dead needed feeding.

"Fine, misses Edd, but fine" Matt got up in the air, "Bye, Tord"

"Bye, Matt" With that, Matt flew away into the dark sky.

I really need to get it together and finish that story to Edd

Life Before Death (Feathers and Scales prequel) TordEddWhere stories live. Discover now